Cut command issue with shell script

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Cut command issue with shell script
# 8  
Old 11-05-2013
Yes Akshay I tried the ones you posted on post #5, but they didn't work as expected

492|3076394|SP40|1030028694570|20120125|20120207|13530392|||31||CHAPMAN PLACE|||COLCHESTER|ESSEX|CO4 5ZJ|ADI_001|7|_A|E|A|811|2|0151|EMEB|N|EMEB|N|EMEB|N|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

Expected output
492|3076394|SP40|1030028694570|20120125|20120207|13530392|||31||CHAPMAN PLACE|||COLCHESTER|ESSEX|CO4 5ZJ|7|_A|E|A|811|2|0151|EMEB|N|EMEB|N|EMEB|N|
That is it should remove 18th feild and all the feilds from after 31th feild

# 9  
Old 11-05-2013
awk 'NF>17{for (i=17; i<=30; i++) $i=$(i+1); NF=31; $NF=""}1' FS=\| OFS=\| file
492|3076394|SP40|1030028694570|20120125|20120207|13530392|||31||CHAPMAN PLACE|||COLCHESTER|ESSEX|ADI_001|7|_A|E|A|811|2|0151|EMEB|N|EMEB|N|EMEB|N|

# 10  
Old 11-06-2013
I tried the above command but its not working, request you to have a look at the below example,

$ [XXXX] $ awk 'NF>17{for (i=17; i<=30; i++) $i=$(i+1); NF=31; $NF=""}1' FS=\| OFS=\| sample_test_file

492|3076394|SP40|1030028694570|20120125|20120207|13530392|||31||CHAPMAN PLACE|||COLCHESTER|ESSEX|ADI_001|7|_A|E|A|811|2|0151|EMEB|N|EMEB|N|EMEB|N||1|2|3|4|5|6|7|

$ [XXX]

# 11  
Old 11-06-2013
which is your default awk mawk or gawk ?
# 12  
Old 11-06-2013
What happens if you set NF=20 in your awk?
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