Replace line in file with line in another file based on matching string

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# 1  
Old 10-15-2013
Replace line in file with line in another file based on matching string


Can any one guide me how to achieve this task. I have 2 files

#Configuration.Properties values
identity_server_url =
randon_password_length = 6
attachment_file_path = /pass/temp/attachments/

identity_server_url =
randon_password_length = 8
attachment_file_path = /pass/temp/attachments/

In the above file i need to replace the line "identity_server_url" with env.txt file content. In configuration.properites file before '=' values are constant. After '=' values are changing. So i need to replace the line with matched string before '=' in with env.txt

# 2  
Old 10-16-2013
Could you please show us your attempts at solving the problem. Thanks.
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