10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
Hi Everyone,
I have a requirement in ksh where i have a set of files in a directory. I need to search each and every file if a particular string is present in the file, delete that line and replace that line with another string expression in the same file.
I am very new to unix. Kindly help... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: Pradhikshan
10 Replies
2. Shell Programming and Scripting
I don't know if it's been asked before but seems i gave up seeking.
i have 2 files :
Monday XXXX
Tuesday XXXX
XXXX Wednesday
Thursday XXXX
XXXX is in every lines of file1.txt and i want to replace them with each line in file2.txt:
so output file is:
... (19 Replies)
Discussion started by: perseous
19 Replies
3. Shell Programming and Scripting
I want to achieve something similar to what described in another post:
The difference is I want to add the line if the pattern is not found.
File 1:
A123, valueA, valueB
B234, valueA, valueB
C345, valueA, valueB
D456, valueA, valueB
E567, valueA, valueB
F678, valueA, valueB
... (11 Replies)
Discussion started by: jyu3
11 Replies
4. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a LOG file which looks like this
Import started at: Mon Jul 23 02:13:01 EDT 2012
Initialization completed in 2.146 seconds.
Import summary for Import item: PolicyInformation... (8 Replies)
Discussion started by: biztank
8 Replies
5. Shell Programming and Scripting
I am not the best scripter in the world and have run into a issue which you might be able to guide me on...
I have two files.
File1 :
A123, valueA, valueB
B234, valueA, valueB
C345, valueA, valueB
D456, valueA, valueB
E567, valueA, valueB
F678, valueA, valueB
C345,... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: luckycharm
5 Replies
6. Shell Programming and Scripting
Can someone tell me how I can do this?
Say file1.txt contains:
today is monday
the 22 of
and file2.txt contains:
How do i replace the word NOVEMBER with (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: tuathan
5 Replies
7. Shell Programming and Scripting
I have a file which contains several lines. Sample content of the file is as below.
OK testmessage email<test@123>
NOK receivemessage email<123@test>
NOK receivemessage email(123@test123)
NOK receivemessage email<abc@test>
i would like to know by scripting will... (10 Replies)
Discussion started by: ramasar
10 Replies
8. Shell Programming and Scripting
Hello all, the title makes this sound simple, and maybe it should be.
This is by code:
cp ch25.txt ch25.fn.tex
n=`grep -c '^\' ch25_footnotes.txt > temp`
r=`awk -F] '{print $2}' temp`
`sed 's/\/\\footnote{$r}/' ch25.fn.tex`
This is what I am trying to... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: ccox85
6 Replies
9. Shell Programming and Scripting
I want to replace the srting '; with ABCD'; in a file from line 1 to line 65. Is there any single command to do it without using awk
Thanks for quick reply
https://www.unix.com/images/misc/progress.gif (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: tosattam
3 Replies
10. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
i am very new to UNIX
plz help me in this scenario
i have two text files as below
Discipline=Electronics and communication.
Designation=software Engineer.
Designation=CADD Design Engineer.
... (6 Replies)
Discussion started by: kkraja
6 Replies