Replace a string with each line from another file repeatedly

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Replace a string with each line from another file repeatedly
# 1  
Old 08-26-2013
Replace a string with each line from another file repeatedly

I don't know if it's been asked before but seems i gave up seeking.

i have 2 files :
Monday XXXX
Tuesday XXXX
XXXX Wednesday
Thursday XXXX

XXXX is in every lines of file1.txt and i want to replace them with each line in file2.txt:

so output file is:
Monday home
Tuesday home
home Wednesday
Thursday home
Monday school
Tuesday school
school Wednesday
Thursday school
Monday cinema
Tuesday cinema
cinema Wednesday
Thursday cinema

I got the file2.txt has many lines so i can't do it by hand. So, i need a solution for it.
Thanks for your time.
# 2  
Old 08-26-2013
while read LINE
 sed 's/XXXX/'$LINE'/' file1.txt >>file3.txt
cat file3.txt

This User Gave Thanks to krishmaths For This Post:
# 3  
Old 08-26-2013
Originally Posted by krishmaths
while read LINE
 sed 's/XXXX/'$LINE'/' file1.txt >>file3.txt
cat file3.txt

thanks for quickly help.but i got :
-bash: syntax error near unexpected token `done'
# 4  
Old 08-26-2013
Can you include set -x at the beginning of the script and execute? Or execute using sh -x
This User Gave Thanks to krishmaths For This Post:
# 5  
Old 08-26-2013
Originally Posted by krishmaths
Can you include set -x at the beginning of the script and execute? Or execute using sh -x
sorry, i don't know well :
sed 's/XXXX/'$LINE'/' file1.txt >>file3.txt
set -x done file2.txt
cat file3.txt

and i get file3:

Do i miss sth?

Last edited by Franklin52; 08-26-2013 at 07:43 AM.. Reason: Adding code tags
# 6  
Old 08-26-2013
Do you use bash or ksh?
Do you have the first line of the script as #!/bin/bash based on the shell?
Can you paste the entire script for us to debug?
# 7  
Old 08-26-2013
I do suggest that you post the complete script.
I do not see the hash bang #!/bin/sh
And you have added set -x before done, not in start of script
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