Space storage shell script issue!

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Space storage shell script issue!
# 15  
Old 08-24-2011
code tag means

PHP Code:
[codeyour data [/code
---------- Post updated at 04:18 PM ---------- Previous update was at 04:16 PM ----------

Strange, why it is taking 4 as greater than 30

still checking...

$ nawk '/%/ {a=substr($(NF-1),1,length($(NF-1))-1); if(a > 30){print $0}}' test                                                                   
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3              20G   13G  6.2G  68% /
                      400G  272G  129G  68% /oradata
                      1.1T  526G  578G  48% /orabkup
                      2.3T  1.6T  728G  69% /software
                      2.3T  1.6T  728G  69% /backup
                      2.3T  1.6T  728G  69% /patches
                      450G  170G  281G  38% /xyz_oradata
                      150G   67G   84G  45% /orabin
                      225G  106G  120G  48% /oradata_xxx
                       40G   20G   21G  48% /orabin
                       40G  1.4G   39G   4% /oradata2

bash-3.00$ cat test 
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda3              20G   13G  6.2G  68% /
/dev/sda1              99M   21M   74M  22% /boot
                      400G  272G  129G  68% /oradata
                      1.1T  526G  578G  48% /orabkup
                      2.3T  1.6T  728G  69% /software
                      2.3T  1.6T  728G  69% /backup
                      2.3T  1.6T  728G  69% /patches
                      450G  170G  281G  38% /xyz_oradata
                       20G   96K   20G   1% /scripttest
                      150G   67G   84G  45% /orabin
                       10G  5.5M   10G   1% /ebs/eptp51
                      225G  106G  120G  48% /oradata_xxx
tmpfs                 9.8G   28M  9.8G   1% /dev/shm
                       40G   20G   21G  48% /orabin
                       40G  1.4G   39G   4% /oradata2

# 16  
Old 08-24-2011
This should solve the problem:

TEST_SYSTEM>df -h | awk '/%/ {$0=(a?a" "$0:$0);a="";gsub("%","");print $0;next} {a=$0;next}' | awk '$5>30' > disk_chk_out
TEST_SYSTEM>mailx -s "Disk Check > 30%" < disk_chk_out

# 17  
Old 08-24-2011
substr is the issue..

try this.

$ df -h | nawk '/%/ {if(length($(NF-1))> 2) {a=substr($(NF-1),1,length($(NF-1))-1); if(a > 30){print $0}}}'

# 18  
Old 08-25-2011
Space storage shell script issue!

Many thanks to all of you for your time to help resolve this issue now!

itkamaraj: Thanks so much for your time. Yes now it's working fine as per the expected output

itkamaraj: Could you please explain me the code used as below:

Code Tag:

$ df -h | nawk '/%/ {if(length($(NF-1))> 2) {a=substr($(NF-1),1,length($(NF-1))-1); if(a > 30){print $0}}}'

# 19  
Old 08-25-2011
nawk '/%/ {if(length($(NF-1))> 2) {a=substr($(NF-1),1,length($(NF-1))-1); if(a > 30){print $0}}}'

/%/  --> Match % and process the lines which is having %
$(NF-1) --> Print the value of (last - 1) column value (disk usage column)
length($(NF-1)) --> Get the length of the disk usage column.
if(length($(NF-1))> 2  --> check the length is greater than 2 ( It will eliminate the usage which is less than 10%)
a=substr($(NF-1),1,length($(NF-1))-1);  --> Strip the % value from the disk usage column ( eg: 85% to 85 )
then check a > 30, then print the line.
More example for understaing :
echo "abc edf ghi" | awk '{ print $NF }'            # prints the last record value
echo "abc edf ghi" | awk '{ print $(NF-1) }'  # prints the last-1 record value
echo "abc edf ghi" | awk '{ print $(NF-2) }'  # prints the last-2 record value
echo "abcd efg hi" | awk '{print length($1)}'  # prints the lenght of first record
echo "abcd efg hi" | awk '{print length($2)}'  # prints the lenght of second record
echo "abcd efg hi" | awk '{print length($3)}'  # prints the lenght of third record
echo "abcdefg" | awk '{ print substr($0,1,2)}'   # prints 2 letters from the 1st position

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