@ a1_win:
Since you ignore PMs and moderator notes I want to make you think about, that if you continue to ignore to use code tags, you collect infraction points which will result in a permanent ban after collecting an amount of them. So maybe consider reading your PMs and use code tags.
See (B) in this link if you do not understand how to use them: The UNIX and Linux Forums - Forum Rules
Could you please tell me the commands to find Total storage space and Serial number of Linux server.
OS -- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.6 (Santiago)
This is 2 node cluster.
Maddy (1 Reply)
I want to print 1 to 10 or upto any number sequentially with space in a single line. Like,
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ......
In shell script only.. Can anyone plz help me.
Thanks: (14 Replies)
In my shell script I use the following code to copy files from one directory to other.
for file in `ls`; do
#----------------- Copy Files From INDIR to OUTDIR -------------#
echoen "Copying File ${INDIR}/$file to ${OUTDIR}/${file}"
cp ${INDIR}/$file ... (4 Replies)
Hi Guys,
I'm a newb at shell scripting and successfully attempted a small disk space script (victory!!) but i'm wondering whether it actually takes into consideration KB,MB,GB. Please take a look at the script and advise.
##script to check if file sys has reached threshold.
... (3 Replies)
We have one box T5220 which was assigned 2x100G Luns but i have a strange problem if i use powermt display it only shows me one card but cfgadm, fcinfo commands shows 2 dual port cards as up. What could be the reason for it. I already did a re-configure reboot but that didn't help. Can anyone help... (1 Reply)
I have one shell script which use two parameter however one of its parameter have space in between.
a.sh 20110114 b c d
here b c d is one parameter
I used 'b c d' but its not giving correct result.
Also i tried b\c\d but this one also didnt work.
Any help would be... (5 Replies)
Host Name - xxxxxxx
IP Address - xxxxxxxxx
Alert Msg - The percentage of available storage space (DMXMemory) is low (49.54374442289481 percent).
Time received - 14:23
Time Logged - 14:55
Suggested Group - MR-UNIX (5 Replies)