Any command to delete files from source dir after SFTP copy

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# 1  
Old 08-10-2011
Any command to delete files from source dir after SFTP copy


I am currently using SFTP 'put' command to copy all files to remote server and then delete the copied files from source directory.

Can anyone help me with a single command to copy and remove files in one go?

Thanks and Regards,
Chetan Vyas
# 2  
Old 08-10-2011
While sftp'ing !command helps to run command in the local machine. So try if the below one works or post the sftp command your using, to get an idea..
sftp ${USR}@${DEST_HOST} << EOF
mput *.txt
!rm *.txt

# 3  
Old 08-10-2011
Yeah, I need to do the same operation but with 1 command if possible.
# 4  
Old 08-10-2011
Can you post your script..?
# 5  
Old 08-10-2011
echo "File Name: " $filename 
src_dir=`eval echo "$6"`
echo "Source Dir: " $src_dir
dest_dir=`eval echo "$7"`
echo "Destination Dir: " $dest_dir
echo "Current Directory is " $current_path
#************To check if source directory is present or not*******************
if [ ! -d "${src_dir}" ]
echo 'Source directory Not found' 
exit 1
#************To check for read permissions on source directory ***************
if [ ! -r ${src_dir} ]
echo "Read access permission denied on Source Directory"
exit 1
#************To check for write permissions on source directory **************
if [ ! -w ${src_dir} ]
echo "Write access permission denied on Source Directory"
exit 1
#************To check for execute permissions on source directory ************
if [ ! -x ${src_dir} ]
echo "Execute access permission denied on Source Directory"
exit 1
#************To change current directory to source directory******************
cd $src_dir
echo "After CD In " $current_path

#Check for filenames matching the filname parameter and count all of them*****
files=`ls $filename | wc -l`
echo "There are $files matching file(s)" 
echo $filename
#Check if there are any matching files in the source directory, else EXIT****
if [ $files -eq 0 ]
echo "No files found"
exit 1
sftp -oPort=22 i_glty@<<EOF
cd $dest_dir
put $filename
echo "Successfully moved " $filename
#mv $filename $filename_archived
#echo "All transferrred files are archived"
echo "In " $current_path
echo "Script finished"
exit 0

Last edited by pludi; 08-10-2011 at 09:53 AM..
# 6  
Old 08-11-2011
Ok. Then check for sftp command's -b option. It helps you to place all your commands in a file and use the file with -b option
# sample file
$>cat Sftp.bat
!ls -ltr

$>sftp -b Sftp.bat username@host

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