Averaging data every 30 mins using AWK

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Averaging data every 30 mins using AWK
# 15  
Old 07-26-2011
For some odd reason I'm still getting

0      0
0      0
0      0
0      0
0      0
0      0
0      0
0      0
0      0

Did you say there was a way to edit the file itself, as opposed to printing out the result on the screen?

# 16  
Old 07-28-2011
Can you post output of:
cat -Te file.csv | head

# 17  
Old 07-28-2011
25/06/2011 08:03:20 ,0,1.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1033031768E+004,1.3998939700E+002,4.4999687195E+001,4.4999909923E+001,4.4982554694E+001,3.1751035912E+001,3.8940279934E+002,3.9515856123E+002,3.8618224512E+000,3.9114643916E+000,9.4040946797E-001$
25/06/2011 08:03:25 ,0,2.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1036267092E+004,1.3999910014E+002,4.4999724978E+001,4.5000055343E+001,4.4982432169E+001,3.1750000000E+001,3.8935193355E+002,3.9511128829E+002,3.8489583767E+000,3.8990622477E+000,9.4172965077E-001$
25/06/2011 08:03:30 ,0,3.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1035811523E+004,1.4000220783E+002,4.4999819829E+001,4.5000161391E+001,4.4982414246E+001,3.1795673077E+001,3.8938861262E+002,3.9514732622E+002,3.8595829527E+000,3.9062814635E+000,9.3441447742E-001$
25/06/2011 08:03:35 ,0,2.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1036211602E+004,1.4000074680E+002,4.4999892989E+001,4.5000205994E+001,4.4982414246E+001,3.1750000000E+001,3.8945211683E+002,3.9517328822E+002,3.8841252351E+000,3.9451982461E+000,9.3417578630E-001$
25/06/2011 08:03:40 ,0,1.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1036852113E+004,1.3999663742E+002,4.4999757503E+001,4.5000099772E+001,4.4982477978E+001,3.1793508287E+001,3.8936261353E+002,3.9511123990E+002,3.8395527261E+000,3.8931575825E+000,9.4752583244E-001$
25/06/2011 08:03:45 ,0,2.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1032849098E+004,1.3998770158E+002,4.4999748230E+001,4.5000053406E+001,4.4982505798E+001,3.1750000000E+001,3.8931505434E+002,3.9512509568E+002,3.8351808367E+000,3.8599191928E+000,9.5367870751E-001$
25/06/2011 08:03:50 ,0,1.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1039831891E+004,1.4001021926E+002,4.5000107359E+001,4.4999785829E+001,4.4982363833E+001,3.1750000000E+001,3.8929289686E+002,3.9508579576E+002,3.8474802185E+000,3.8609535036E+000,9.4079656257E-001$
25/06/2011 08:03:55 ,0,1.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1034918787E+004,1.3999495360E+002,4.5000032095E+001,4.4999813527E+001,4.4982444763E+001,3.1750000000E+001,3.8929209181E+002,3.9514661440E+002,3.8572828460E+000,3.9132254247E+000,9.5624024001E-001$
25/06/2011 08:04:00 ,0,1.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,0.0000000000E+000,3.1035897944E+004,1.3999774824E+002,4.4999900818E+001,4.4999778748E+001,4.4982444763E+001,3.1750000000E+001,3.8899351438E+002,3.9493622327E+002,3.8126918495E+000,3.7581951076E+000,9.7192541150E-001$

# 18  
Old 07-28-2011
Try this:
awk 'NR>1' file.csv | awk -F"," '{a[int((NR-1)/720)]+=$13;b[int((NR-1)/720)]+=$15};END{print "CO2 CH4";for (i=0;i<NR/720;i++){print a[i]/720,b[i]/720}}'

Last edited by bartus11; 07-28-2011 at 01:18 PM..
# 19  
Old 07-29-2011

The averages were printed out to the shell so that's great, is there anyway of replacing the existing data in the csv file so the output looks like

25/06/2011 08:03:20   386.034    3.73601
25/06/2011 09:03:20   396.132    3.12456
25/06/2011 10:03:20   439.749    4.89633
25/06/2011 11:03:20   401.759    3.91748

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