Use two delimiters in awk

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Use two delimiters in awk
# 15  
Old 07-21-2011
Thanks a lot... I really appreciate........
I am new to shell script. Can you briefly name a good book on the same for starter..
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Delimiters in awk

Line from input file a : b : c " d " e " f : g : h " i " j " k " l output k b a Its taking 7th word when " is the delimiter, 2nd and 1st word when : is the delimiter and returning all in one line.... I am on solaris Thanks..... (1 Reply)
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Two delimiters with AWK

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FCALL(3)						     Library Functions Manual							  FCALL(3)

fcall - recreate packet delimiters SYNOPSIS
Fctlfd = open(".../ctl", ORDWR); Fwrite(ctlfd, "push fcall", 10); DESCRIPTION
Fcall is a stream module (see stream(3)) that can be pushed onto a connection to a 9P file server. The function of the module is to recre- ate packet delimiters lost in transmission. The 9P protocol demands that network connections preserve delimiters between messages written to the file server. Stream based protocols, like TCP, are unable to preserve delimiters. The delimiters must be recreated by the receiver before a packet is read by a file system. Fcall examines a data stream and identifies 9P messages from their type. The length of the message is computed from the header. Data is collected and buffered by the stream module until an entire 9P message has been assembled. A single message is then delimited and sent upstream to be read by a file server. SEE ALSO
stream(3), ip(3), exportfs(4), srv(4) SOURCE
/sys/src/9/port/stfcall.c FCALL(3)