Perl SFTP, to get, sort and process every file.

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# 1  
Old 07-20-2011
Perl SFTP, to get, sort and process every file.

Hi All,

I'm niks, and i'm a newbie here and newbie also in perl sorry,

i'm just wondering how can i get the file from the other hostname using sftp? then after i get it i'm going to sort the file and process it one by one. sorry because i'm a newbie.

# 2  
Old 07-20-2011
# 3  
Old 07-20-2011
Hi Sir Itkamaraj,

how do i used the SFTP module in perl? because i think it needs to install the module. what i did is i tried to install it using cpan but i have no luck(please see below).

cpan Net::SFTP::Foreign
Connecting to||:21... failed: Connection timed out.
Connecting to||:21... failed: Connection timed out.

Please advise.
# 4  
Old 07-20-2011
Try the below commnad

perl -MCPAN -e "install Net::SFTP"

# 5  
Old 07-21-2011
still i'm out of luck master. there's a lot of question below while installing the SFTP module is this important? i just enter it.

Where is your gzip program? [/bin/gzip]
Where is your tar program? [/bin/tar]
Where is your unzip program? [/usr/bin/unzip]
Where is your make program? [/usr/bin/make]
Where is your links program? [/usr/bin/links]
Where is your wget program? [/usr/bin/wget]
Warning: ncftpget not found in PATH
Where is your ncftpget program? []
Warning: ncftp not found in PATH
Where is your ncftp program? []
Where is your ftp program? [/usr/kerberos/bin/ftp]
Where is your gpg program? [/usr/bin/gpg]
What is your favorite pager program? [/usr/bin/less]
What is your favorite shell?

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