Count number of files and use result as variable

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# 1  
Old 07-07-2011
Count number of files and use result as variable

Hi there

I have a .ksh script that I am using on an AIX ( Actual Level, Maintenance Level where I am logging into a windows box, doing a file count on that server and returning the output to the UNIX session.

I would like to exit the script at this point in time if the value is greater than 1. I have attempted to write this function into the script, but the variable that I am setting is not being echoed out as required.

When I run the script below, the result is


There are in the <PATH> directory. Transfer stopped.
The value of $numfiles is returned, but not incorporated into the output.


numfiles=$(ssh <SERVER> cmd /c 'dir/b/a-d <PATH> | find /c ".CSV"')

print $numfiles

if [ $numfiles -gt 0 ]
     echo "There are "$numfiles" in the <PATH> directory. Transfer has been stopped."

Can anyone assist with a solution to this issue?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
# 2  
Old 07-07-2011
what is the output of print statement ?

print $numfiles

# 3  
Old 07-07-2011
Originally Posted by itkamaraj
what is the output of print statement ?

print $numfiles

It prints out the correct value, in this case 1 (I have verified that there is only 1 file in the directory!)
# 4  
Old 07-07-2011
In your statement, you mentioned "I would like to exit the script at this point in time if the value is greater than 1"

But you are checking for > 0 in condition

replace your if condition as below and let me know the output

if [ $numfiles -gt 0 ]
echo "$numfiles"
     echo "There are "$numfiles" in the <PATH> directory. Transfer has been stopped."
echo "$numfiles"

# 5  
Old 07-07-2011
Originally Posted by itkamaraj
In your statement, you mentioned "I would like to exit the script at this point in time if the value is greater than 1"

But you are checking for > 0 in condition

replace your if condition as below and let me know the output

if [ $numfiles -gt 0 ]
echo "$numfiles"
     echo "There are "$numfiles" in the <PATH> directory. Transfer has been stopped."
echo "$numfiles"

Thanks for your help. I have replaced the if statement an re ranit. It has returned the following:

in the <PATH> directory. Transfer has been stopped.
# 6  
Old 07-07-2011
replace the echo statement. seems, your $numfiles is holding the value of 1

echo "There are $numfiles in the <PATH> directory. Transfer has been stopped."

# 7  
Old 07-07-2011
I had tried that before itkamaral, but it returns the same results:


in the <PATH> directory. Transfer has been stopped.
Would you have any other suggestions?
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