Grep and substr

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Grep and substr
# 8  
Old 11-09-2009
great thanks scrutinizer

---------- Post updated at 09:29 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:05 AM ----------

great thanks scrutinizer
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Hello All; I have an input file 'abc.txt' with below text: 512345977,213458,100021 512345978,213454,100031 512345979,213452,100051 512345980,213455,100061 512345981,213456,100071 512345982,213456,100091 512345983,213457,100041 512345984,213451,100011 I need to paste the first field... (10 Replies)
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can anybody explain this code? thanks in advance..:) (6 Replies)
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Hi, My input file is 41;2;xxxx;yyyyy.... 41;2;xxxx;yyyyy.... 41;2;xxxx;yyyyy.... .. .. I need to change the second field value from 2 to 1. i.e., 41;1;xxxx;yyyyy.... 41;1;xxxx;yyyyy.... 41;1;xxxx;yyyyy.... .. .. Thanks in advance. (9 Replies)
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What is the more efficient way to do this (awk only and default FS) ? $ echo "jefe@alm"|awk '{pos = index($0, "@");printf ("USER: %s\n",substr ($0,1,pos-1))}' USER: jefe Thx in advance (2 Replies)
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kill.d(1m)							   USER COMMANDS							kill.d(1m)

kill.d - snoop process signals as they occur. Uses DTrace. SYNOPSIS
kill.d is a simple DTrace program to print details of process signals as they are sent, such as the PID source and destination, signal num- ber and result. This program can be used to determine which process is sending signals to which other process. Since this uses DTrace, only users with root privileges can run this command. EXAMPLES
Default output, print process signals as they are sent. # kill.d FIELDS
FROM source PID COMMAND source command name TO destination PID SIG destination signal ("9" for a kill -9) RESULT result of signal (-1 is for failure) DOCUMENTATION
See the DTraceToolkit for further documentation under the Docs directory. The DTraceToolkit docs may include full worked examples with ver- bose descriptions explaining the output. EXIT
kill.d will run forever until Ctrl-C is hit. AUTHOR
Brendan Gregg [Sydney, Australia] SEE ALSO
dtrace(1M), truss(1) version 0.90 May 14, 2005 kill.d(1m)