awk command to avoid loops

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# 1  
Old 10-12-2009
awk command to avoid loops

I need a help in using the awk command or any other solution to avoid the usage of loops.

My question is :

I have a input like this :
ex : 4000|testing|scenario|14450|500|320|450|200|100

where the 4th field i.e 14450 is a date field which will be passed to a converter which will automatically convert to the normal date format.

(eg : date_conv(14450) will give output 12/10/2009. )

Now i am looking for a solution which will get the output in the following manner.

o/p format :
4000|testing|scenario|12/10/2009|500|V(hexadecimal value of field6 ) - hexadecimal value of field7) - (field8*10) - field9

Note '-' represents hyphen.

So in my output there will be only 6 fields like :

where field 6 = v(hexadecimal value of field6 ) - hexadecimal value of field7) - (field8*10) - field9

In My input field6=320 then the hexadecimal value will be 140
if field7=450 then the hexadecimal value will be 1C2.

So my final output will be

Please help..


Last edited by zaxxon; 10-12-2009 at 11:45 AM.. Reason: code tags!
# 2  
Old 10-12-2009
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# 3  
Old 10-12-2009
Originally Posted by vijayarajvp
I need a help in using the awk command or any other solution to avoid the usage of loops.

My question is :

I have a input like this :
ex : 4000|testing|scenario|14450|500|320|450|200|100

where the 4th field i.e 14450 is a date field which will be passed to a converter which will automatically convert to the normal date format.

(eg : date_conv(14450) will give output 12/10/2009. )

I wouldn't trust any date conversion code that gave that as an output. Is it October 12 or December 10?

And what relation does 14450 have to either of those?
Now i am looking for a solution which will get the output in the following manner.

o/p format :
4000|testing|scenario|12/10/2009|500|V(hexadecimal value of field6 ) - hexadecimal value of field7) - (field8*10) - field9

Note '-' represents hyphen.

So in my output there will be only 6 fields like :

where field 6 = v(hexadecimal value of field6 ) - hexadecimal value of field7) - (field8*10) - field9

In My input field6=320 then the hexadecimal value will be 140
if field7=450 then the hexadecimal value will be 1C2.

So my final output will be

For conversion to hex, use printf "%x\n"
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