How to avoid column with a specific name using awk

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# 1  
Old 04-02-2014
How to avoid column with a specific name using awk

how can avoid column names that start with Nx_*?


name  Nx_8977  Nx_988  NN
a1  2  0  8
b1  2  0  8


name  NN
a1  8
b1  8

# 2  
Old 04-02-2014
Something like:
~/tmp$ cat x.awk
NR==1 {
   for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
      if ($i !~ /^Nx_/) {
   for (i=1;i<=NF;i++) {
      if (i in output_cols) {
         printf $i OFS
   printf "\n"
~/tmp$ awk -f x.awk file
name NN
a1 8
b1 8

(Note that this doesn't handle exclusion of all columns very well, and gives an extra field separator on each line)
# 3  
Old 04-02-2014
This version doesn't add an extra field separator at the end of a line and is perfectly happy no matter how many of the fields are rejected. It also uses two spaces as the field separator (matching the input and output samples).
awk '
NR == 1 {
	for(i = 1; i <= NF; i++)
		if($i !~ /^Nx_/)
			of[++ofc] = i
{	for(i = 1; i <= ofc; i++)
		printf("%s%s", $of[i], i == ofc ? "" : "  ")
	print ""
}' file1

which, with the given sample input, produces the output:
name  NN
a1  8
b1  8

If you want to use this on a Solaris/SunOS system, use /usr/xpg4/bin/awk, /usr/xpg6/bin/awk, or nawk instead of the default /usr/bin/awk.
These 2 Users Gave Thanks to Don Cragun For This Post:
# 4  
Old 04-02-2014
Originally Posted by Don Cragun
and is perfectly happy no matter how many of the fields are rejected.
What I was referring to was that it outputs a blank line if all fields are rejected - which is the same in both our solutions.
# 5  
Old 04-02-2014
Originally Posted by CarloM
What I was referring to was that it outputs a blank line if all fields are rejected - which is the same in both our solutions.
Yes. I thought that was the desired behavior. To produce no output if no fields are selected, change the following two lines in my script:
		printf("%s%s", $of[i], i == ofc ? "" : "  ")
	print ""

to the single line:
		printf("%s%s", $of[i], i == ofc ? "\n" : "  ")

# 6  
Old 04-02-2014
Longhand using __builtins__ only, OSX 10.7.5, shell and default terminal.
Note that the commented out section uses a tab instead of spaces.
echo "name  Nx_8977  Nx_988  NN
a1  2  0  8
b1  2  0  8" > /tmp/filename
while read line
	text="$text${temp[0]}  ${temp[3]}\n"
done < /tmp/filename
printf "$text" > /tmp/newfilename
cat < /tmp/newfilename

Last login: Wed Apr  2 19:06:23 on ttys000
AMIGA:barrywalker~> chmod 755
AMIGA:barrywalker~> ./
name  NN
a1  8
b1  8
AMIGA:barrywalker~> _

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