How can i grep for an hour before data

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting How can i grep for an hour before data
# 1  
Old 08-04-2009
How can i grep for an hour before data


My log file is something like this.

(08/04/2009 00:27:42.179)(:)  aaaaaaaaaaaa
(08/04/2009 00:27:42.181)(:)  bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb
(08/04/2009 01:00:42.713)(:)  cd cdc d ddddsksjdkssksksj
(08/04/2009 01:02:42.716)(:)  raarrarararararara
(08/04/2009 01:07:43.036)(:ERROR)  Port ddedededetails
(08/04/2009 01:08:43.039)(:)  No data found

Suppose current time is 08/04/2009 01:10:45
I wanto to grep for the data last hour data. Currently for getting today's data i am using
`date '+ %m/%d'`

Can someone help me with the modification of this command to get the previous hour data?

---------- Post updated at 02:33 AM ---------- Previous update was at 02:11 AM ----------

I want the data starting with 08/04/2009 00
# 2  
Old 08-04-2009

grep $(date '+ ( %m/%d/%Y %H') < file
# 3  
Old 08-04-2009
protocomm, i am getting the current hour data with that..i need previous hour data.
for example, current time is 06:48. I need the data from 05:00 to 05:59
# 4  
Old 08-04-2009
Id recommend using this as a script:

The only catch is if it happens to be between midnight and 01:00 this won't work. If you need this functionality let me know and I'll see if I can figure something out.

bash code:
bash-3.00$ genexpression()
> {
> stime=`date '+ %H'`
> stime=`expr $stime \- 1`
> if (( $stime < 10 ))
> then
> stime=0${stime}
> fi
> express=\$\\\(`date '+%m/%d/%Y'`\ $stime
> }
bash-3.00$ genexpression
bash-3.00$ egrep "$express" testfile

---------- Post updated at 04:15 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:08 AM ----------

Now that I think about it you can probably replace the while thing with this if you manually typing in the time is ok:

> express=\$\\\(`date '+%m/%d/%Y'`\ "hour you want to filter"

Last edited by ilikecows; 08-04-2009 at 06:11 AM.. Reason: added comment
# 5  
Old 08-04-2009
i can't add that manually ..need to cron the script

And the $express from the above script seems to be returing null.
# 6  
Old 08-04-2009
in the last line try:

export express=\$\\\(`date '+%m/%d/%Y'`\ $stime

# 7  
Old 08-04-2009
the result is not showing the 0 before the hrs. I mean it is coming as 08/03/2009 9 instead of 08/03/2009 09
Please help.

---------- Post updated at 06:56 AM ---------- Previous update was at 06:55 AM ----------

And i need to run the script through out the day.
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