help in hour grep

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Old 01-31-2008
help in hour grep

i have this script that checks for yesterday date and also specific hour in that


TZ=`date +%Z`+24 ;a=`date +%Y-%m-%d %k`
cd logs
for i in DBMaint.log

cat $i | grep $a >> file12.txt

here k=hour which i want to set it to to do that.

actually i want to grep yesterday date and in that 22nd hour ,so how to specify that in below command

TZ=`date +%Z`+24 ;a=`date +%Y-%m-%d %k`
how to set the desired value in above command for hour

Last edited by ali560045; 01-31-2008 at 04:59 AM..
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PLTIMEFMT(3plplot)						    PLplot API							PLTIMEFMT(3plplot)

pltimefmt - Set format for date / time labels SYNOPSIS
pltimefmt(fmt) DESCRIPTION
Sets the format for date / time labels. To enable date / time format labels see the options to plbox(3plplot) and plenv(3plplot). Redacted form: pltimefmt(fmt) This function is used in example 29. ARGUMENTS
fmt (const char *, fmt) This string is passed directly to the system strftime. See the system documentation for a full list of conversion specifications for your system. All conversion specifications take the form of a '%' character followed by further conversion specification character. All other text is printed as-is. Common options include: %c: The preferred date and time representation for the current locale. %d: The day of the month as a decimal number. %H: The hour as a decimal number using a 24-hour clock. %j: The day of the year as a decimal number. %m: The month as a decimal number. %M: The minute as a decimal number. %S: The second as a decimal number. %y: The year as a decimal number without a century. %Y: The year as a decimal number including a century. AUTHORS
Geoffrey Furnish and Maurice LeBrun wrote and maintain PLplot. This man page was automatically generated from the DocBook source of the PLplot documentation, maintained by Alan W. Irwin and Rafael Laboissiere. SEE ALSO
PLplot documentation at August, 2012 PLTIMEFMT(3plplot)