Bash: Reading out rows of a file into a dynamic array and check first literal

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Bash: Reading out rows of a file into a dynamic array and check first literal
# 8  
Old 08-01-2009
I still don't think you need an array:

grep ^MOVIE infile >/dev/null &&
  printf '%s\n' "there is a MOVIE without *' |
    mailx -s ... email@address

Notice that for some shells (like the Z-Shell) the ^ character is special and therefore you need to escape it.
Some implementations of grep support the -q/-s option to suppress the output, so if you use one of them, the command becomes:

grep -q ^MOVIE infile  &&
  printf '%s\n' "there is a MOVIE without *' |
    mailx -s ... email@address

# 9  
Old 08-02-2009
Thank you for that code, I will try it.
Is there any good but short online manual for bash-shell?

---------- Post updated at 06:17 AM ---------- Previous update was at 04:51 AM ----------

The code is unfortunately not enough, because the string MOVIE should ONLY occur with a '*' as first literal. You did not check the case when it starts with an empty space for instance. Acctually the empty space is not a problem as long as a '*' follows, so let me state my problem elseway:
As long as the number occurances of the string MOVIE and '*' is the same, everything is right. So grepping the lines containing MOVIE is just the first step, in addition I hav to check whether ALL that lines have '*'
# 10  
Old 08-02-2009
Originally Posted by ABE2202
The code is unfortunately not enough, because the string MOVIE should ONLY occur with a '*' as first literal.
Could you post a sample data and elaborate further?

You did not check the case when it starts with an empty space for instance.
Yes, that was an example.
It's quite easy to modify the regular expression to match such a pattern.

Acctually the empty space is not a problem as long as a '*' follows, so let me state my problem elseway:
As long as the number occurances of the string MOVIE and '*' is the same, everything is right. So grepping the lines containing MOVIE is just the first step, in addition I hav to check whether ALL that lines have '*'
As always, sample data and expected behavior (based on the sample data) will be useful.

Last edited by radoulov; 08-02-2009 at 12:46 PM..
# 11  
Old 08-03-2009
I need no array, but the postings so far do not solve my problem. Remember I need a file containing ALL lines from MySampleInfile containing the string 'MOVIE' but NOT beginning with '*'

I proceed now as follows, not needing an array anymore

grep MOVIE MySampleInfile >Output1

by this I have ALL lines containing Movie, no matter if they start with '*' or not

In a second step I want to filter all lines beginning with a space or another literal than '*'. So may statement has to be "Filter ALL lines NOT beginning with '*' "

grep not ^* Output1 >Output2

That does not work of course, but how can I write a NOT-Statement for the first literal?
# 12  
Old 08-04-2009
If I understand correctly:

% cat infile 
bla bla
blubb blubb
% grep  '^[^*]*MOVIE' infile

# 13  
Old 08-04-2009
this is already solved. im not sure what's the problem though.. perhaps you missed to escape *?
grep ^MOVIE MySampleInfile >Output1
grep ^\* MySampleInfile >Output2

# 14  
Old 08-04-2009
I solved it without array and like this:

grep MOVIE $vINIFILE >>tmp_filter_1
grep ^[a-zA-Z0-9' '] tmp_filter_1 >>tmp_filter_2

So all lines NOT beginning with '*' are written into the file tmp_filter_2.
If the file tmp_filter_2 is NOT empty, I know for sure there is something wrong and I send my message.
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