Quick Favour needed

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Top Forums Shell Programming and Scripting Quick Favour needed
# 1  
Old 07-27-2009
Quick Favour needed

Hi there, i currently dont have access to my linux machine and need to get these script files sent to someone. Can someone please create .sh files for me with the code that i have displayed below. It would be very very helpfull.

There are 3 different scripts and it would be great if someone could put them in .sh files and send them to me. Thanks in advance! xx

#Delete script
  # making a varible for the dustbin so I don't repeatedly have to type out the full path
  if [ -d $dustbin ]; then
  echo "Dustbin found"
  echo "Creating  Dustbin"
  mkdir $dustbin
  # if dustbin doesn't exist mkdir dustbin.
  if [ -f $1 ]; then
  echo "file found"
  echo "$1 moved to dustbin"
  echo "file not found"
  echo "can't move $1 to dustbin"
  # Validating file exists
  mv $1 $dustbin
  # 'deleting' file by simply moving it to dustbin.
  exit 0
  # end of script

# restore script
  case "$1" in
  echo where do want the file to be moved to?
  read loc
  echo moving file $2 to $loc....
  mv dustbin/$2 $loc
  echo moving file $1 to 08012109/linux...
  mv dustbin/$1 /home/08012109/linux

# Trash script
if [ -d dustbin ]; then
echo "dustbin found"
echo "there's no dustbin to empty"
exit 0
#if dustbin doesn't exist throw error 'there's no dustbin to empty'

case "$1" in

if (test -z "$(ls dustbin)" );
 echo "bin already empty"
rm dustbin/*
echo dustbin emptied
#bin emptied
echo "-i chosen"

if (test -z "$(ls dustbin)" );
 echo "bin already empty"
rm -irv dustbin/*

echo "chosen nothing"
# use a case statement for each of the options and also one for the combination of options. -i and regular versions not working correctly

# 2  
Old 07-27-2009
Um, sorry if this is a silly question, but why don't you just email what you posted here to that person?
# 3  
Old 07-27-2009
Post heading is not suggesting useful.

The question seems to be something that you could do it yourselves. If you don't have access to any of the linux box, try getting an account from public unix servers which can be accessed from anywhere.
# 4  
Old 07-27-2009
Its just a quick favour i need someone to do. If no one wants to thats fine just dont post asking why or w/e if u dnt want to do it jst dnt post...... thanks anyway
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