10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Red Hat
Hi All;
I try to build a Redhat Cluster (CentOS 6) on vmware. But each node sees the other down like:
# clustat
Cluster Status for mycluster @ Wed Apr 8 11:01:38 2015
Member Status: Quorate
Member Name ID Status
------ ---- ... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: Meacham12
1 Replies
2. Red Hat
Hi All;
I try to build a Redhat Cluster (CentOS 6) on vmware. But each node sees the other down like:
# clustat
Cluster Status for mycluster @ Wed Apr 8 11:01:38 2015
Member Status: Quorate
Member Name ID Status
------ ---- ... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: Meacham12
0 Replies
3. Red Hat
:b::b:Hello Expert,
I have a query regarding redhat cluster configuration file (/etc/cluster/cluster.conf).
Is there any process to change the location of the configuration file of the cluster. Is there any step in ricci process..
If yes then please explain me how the cluster node will... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: Pradipta Kumar
0 Replies
4. Red Hat
Can you guys help me to install redhat cluster on VMware Workstation.
How to download cluster suite and how to configure on Workstation. (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: karthik9358
1 Replies
5. Red Hat
Hello Experts,
Please help me with the exact steps on configuring two node cluster on RHEL 6.2,
I failed to configure the simplest cluster by below steps,
1- install RHEL 6.2 64-bit on both nodes
2- add to hosts file of each server ( 1 IP in local NW and another in IP private NW).
x.x.x.x ... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: karmellove
1 Replies
6. Red Hat
can someone please suggest me in configuring the mysql db on redhat cluster, I have few questions.
1. where do I have to configure heart beat links, and is there any file in the redhat cluster that we update it to use these ipaddress and these interface on the node.
2. I am configuring... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: bobby320
0 Replies
7. Red Hat
Hello everyone,
I'm setting up a cluster with 2 nodes using Red Hat enterprise 6.2 x86_64, 1 luci and 1 ricci for education purpose.
Ricci is installed and already running and luci is installed and running but at the time of add and create the cluster through the web gui it give me a error... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: typeav
1 Replies
8. Red Hat
hi all ,
I'm trying for the Red-hat cluster setup with the ' Enable shared storage support'. But hang up with a error that
"Packages of set "Clustered Storage" are not present in any available repository". I made this setup by installing the rpm manually..I ve attached the rpm list and error... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: sriniv666
0 Replies
9. Red Hat
Hi Friends,
I am trying to configure redhat high availability cluster on rhel5 32bit.
As i am not having the RHN subscription, I have to intsall all the cluster suite manually. I am not aware what all are the rpms needs to be installed. Please let me know about the rpms needs to be installed.... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: arumon
3 Replies
10. Solaris
Solaris 10, Solaris Cluser 3.2, two node cluster, all software installed succefully, all nodes join to the cluster
And on snod2 didn't recognize disks as a did devices and I can't make a quorum device.
snod1#/usr/cluster/bin/cluster status
=== Cluster Nodes ===
--- Node Status ---
Node... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: Uran
2 Replies