C Compiler for Solaris 8 (Intel)

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Top Forums Programming C Compiler for Solaris 8 (Intel)
# 1  
Old 07-18-2002
C Compiler for Solaris 8 (Intel)

hi I'm looking for a C Compiler that will run on a Solaris 8 (Intel) platform and that doesn't need to be complied.

I've tried gcc binaries but they don't seem to work.

# 2  
Old 07-26-2002
I'd be interested in more details about "don't seem to work." Can you be more specific?

Where did you get yours?

The reason I'm curious is that I just today downloaded binaries from ibilio, and plan on loading them onto Solaris (Intel) this weekend.
Marc Rochkind
# 3  
Old 07-27-2002
I downloaded the binaries from www.sunfreeware.com. But found out that part of the problem was with the make utility that comes with Solaris and got round the problem by downloading gmake from www.sunfreeware.com
# 4  
Old 07-27-2002
Thanks... I will keep this hint in mind.
Marc Rochkind
# 5  
Old 07-29-2002
the binaries are also available direct from http://gcc.gnu.org
for solaris Intel platform version.
# 6  
Old 07-30-2002
I installed gcc today on my Solaris 8 (Intel) box. I got it from ibibio. And, as near as I can tell, I am using the Solaris make for my application programs. I don't believe the gcc install used make; if it did, it did so automatically and without incident.

I didn't download any other gcc packages. gunzip was already on the system.

There were some tricks regarding permissions that had to be just so to do the install, but they were explained very clearly in a file on the ibiblio web site.
Marc Rochkind
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