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saslpasswd2(8) [suse man page]

SASLPASSWD2(8)						      System Manager's Manual						    SASLPASSWD2(8)

saslpasswd2 - set a user's sasl password SYNOPSIS
saslpasswd2 [-p] [-d] [-c] [-n] [-f file] [-u domain] [-a appname] [-v] userid DESCRIPTION
saslpasswd2 is used by a server administrator to set a user's sasl password for server programs and SASL mechanisms which use the standard libsasl database of user secrets. OPTIONS
-p Pipe mode - saslpasswd2 will neither prompt for the password nor verify that it was entered correctly. This is the default when standard input is not a terminal. -c Creates an entry for the user if the user doesn't already exist. This is mutually exclusive with the -d (delete user) flag. -d Deletes the entry for the user. This is mutually exclusive with the -c (create user) flag. -n Don't set the plaintext userPassword property for the user. Only mechanism-specific secrets will be set (e.g. OTP, SRP) -u domain use domain for user domain (realm). -f file use file for sasldb -a appname use appname as application name. -v Print libsasl2 version number and exit. SEE ALSO
sasldblistusers2(8) rfc2222 - Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) CMU SASL
Mar 7, 2005 SASLPASSWD2(8)

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SASLPASSWD2(8)						      System Manager's Manual						    SASLPASSWD2(8)

saslpasswd2 - set a user's sasl password SYNOPSIS
saslpasswd2 [-p] [-d] [-c] [-n] [-f file] [-u domain] [-a appname] [-v] userid DESCRIPTION
saslpasswd2 is used by a server administrator to set a user's sasl password for server programs and SASL mechanisms which use the standard libsasl database of user secrets. OPTIONS
-p Pipe mode - saslpasswd2 will neither prompt for the password nor verify that it was entered correctly. This is the default when standard input is not a terminal. -c Creates an entry for the user if the user doesn't already exist. This is mutually exclusive with the -d (delete user) flag. -d Deletes the entry for the user. This is mutually exclusive with the -c (create user) flag. -n Don't set the plaintext userPassword property for the user. Only mechanism-specific secrets will be set (e.g. OTP, SRP) -u domain use domain for user domain (realm). -f file use file for sasldb -a appname use appname as application name. -v Print libsasl2 version number and exit. SEE ALSO
sasldblistusers2(8) rfc2222 - Simple Authentication and Security Layer (SASL) CMU SASL
Mar 7, 2005 SASLPASSWD2(8)
Man Page

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