Linux and UNIX Man Pages

Linux & Unix Commands - Search Man Pages

whatis(1) [opensolaris man page]

whatis(1)							   User Commands							 whatis(1)

whatis - display a one-line summary about a keyword SYNOPSIS
whatis command... DESCRIPTION
whatis looks up a given command and displays the header line from the manual section. You can then run the man(1) command to get more information. If the line starts name(section)... you can do man -ssection name to get the documentation for it. Try whatis ed and then you should do man -s 1 ed to get the manual page for ed(1). whatis is actually just the -f option to the man(1) command. whatis uses the /usr/share/man/windex database. This database is created by catman(1M). If this database does not exist, whatis will fail. FILES
/usr/share/man/windex Table of contents and keyword database ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWdoc | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |CSI |Enabled | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
apropos(1), man(1), catman(1M), attributes(5) SunOS 5.11 14 Sep 1992 whatis(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

WHATIS(5)							File Formats Manual							 WHATIS(5)

whatis - database of online manual pages SYNOPSIS
/usr/man/*/whatis /usr/man/whatis DESCRIPTION
The whatis file in each manual page directory is a database of titles for manual pages. This database is used by man(1) to map titles to manual pages names. The database is created by makewhatis(1) from the NAME sections of the manual pages. The NAME secions must be simple lines with no troff fluff but one backslash like these two: whatis - database of online manual pages cawf, nroff - C version of the nroff-like, Amazingly Workable (text) Formatter These lines are transformed by makewhatis to these two lines for the database: cawf, nroff (1) - C version of the nroff-like, Amazingly Workable (text) Formatter whatis (5) - database of online manual pages As you can see they are in section number order, so that man searches them in section order. Each entry is just a single line, restricting the NAME section to a single line too with just one dash, and commas and spaces before the dash as you see above. SEE ALSO
man(1), whatis(1), makewhatis(1), man(7). BUGS
It seems to be impossible for many manual page writers to keep the NAME section simple. They also like to use every font available in their documents. My simple scripts can't read their NAME sections, my simple me can't read their texts. AUTHOR
Kees J. Bot ( WHATIS(5)
Man Page

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11. Linux

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