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perror(1) [opensolaris man page]

perror(1)							  MySQL database							 perror(1)

perror - describes a system or MySQL error code. SYNOPSIS
Can be used to display a description for a system error code, or an MyISAM/ISAM table handler error code. The error messages are mostly system dependent. OPTIONS
-?|--help Displays this help and exits. -I|--info Synonym for the above. -s|--silent Only print the error message -v|--verbose Print error code and message (default). -V|--version Displays version information and exits. EXAMPLE
shell> perror 64 79 Error code 64: Machine is not on the network Error code 79: Can not access a needed shared library SEE ALSO
isamchk(1), isamlog(1), mysql(1), mysqlaccess(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqld(1), mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1), mysqldump(1), mysql_fix_privi- lege_tables(1), mysqlshow(1), mysql_zap(1), replace(1) For more information please refer to the MySQL reference manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at BUGS
Please refer to to report bugs. AUTHOR
Ver 1.0, distribution 4.0.24 Michael (Monty) Widenius (, MySQL AB ( This software comes with no warranty. Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen (, Mercurmedia Data Model Architect / system developer (http://www.mercur- ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+------------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Availability | SUNWmysqlr, SUNWmysqlu, SUNWmysqlt | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Interface Stability | External | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ NOTES
Source for mysql is available on MySQL 4.0 19 December 2000 perror(1)

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isamchk(1)							  MySQL database							isamchk(1)

isamchk - Description, check and repair of ISAM tables. Used without options all tables on the command will be checked for errors USAGE
isamchk [OPTIONS] tables[.ISM] SYNOPSIS
isamchk [-a|--analyze] [-#|--debug=...] [--character-sets-dir=...] [-C|--default-character-set=...] [-d|--description] [-e|--extend-check] [-f|--force] [-?|--help] [-i|--information] [-k|--keys-used=#] [-l|--no-symlinks] [-q|--quick] [-r|--recover] [-o|--safe-recover] [-O|--set-variable var=option] [-s|--silent] [-S|--sort-index] [-R|--sort-records=#] [-u|--unpack] [-v|--verbose] [-V|--version] [-w|--wait] DESCRIPTION
-a|--analyze Analyze distribution of keys. Will make some joins in MySQL faster. -#|--debug=... Output debug log. Often this is 'd:t:o ,filename` --character-sets-dir=... Directory where character sets are -C|--default-character-set=... Set the default character set -d|--description Prints some information about table. -e|--extend-check Check the table VERY thoroughly. One need use this only in extreme cases as isamchk should normally find all errors even without this switch -f|--force Overwrite old temporary files. If one uses -f when checking tables (running isamchk without -r), isamchk will automatically restart with -r on any wrong table. -?|--help Display help and exit. -i|--information Print statistics information about the table -k|--keys-used=# Used with '-r'. Tell ISAM to update only the first # keys. This can be used to get faster inserts! -l|--no-symlinks Do not follow symbolic links when repairing. Normally isamchk repairs the table a symlink points at. -q|--quick Used with -r to get a faster repair. (The data file isn't touched.) One can give a second '-q' to force isamchk to modify the origi- nal datafile. -r|--recover Can fix almost anything except unique keys that aren't unique. -o|--safe-recover Uses old recovery method; slower than '-r' but can handle a couple of cases that '-r' cannot handle. -O| --set-variable var=option Change the value of a variable. -s|--silent Only print errors. One can use two -s to make isamchk very silent -S|--sort-index Sort index blocks. This speeds up 'read-next' in applications -R|--sort-records=# Sort records according to an index. This makes your data much more localized and may speed up things (It may be VERY slow to do a sort the first time!) -u|--unpack Unpack file packed with pack_isam. -v|--verbose Print more information. This can be used with -d and -e. Use many -v for more verbosity! -V|--version Print version and exit. -w|--wait Wait if table is locked. SEE ALSO
isamlog(1), mysql(1), mysqlaccess(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqld(1), mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1), mysqldump(1), mysql_fix_privi- lege_tables(1), mysqlshow(1), mysql_zap(1), perror(1), replace(1) For more information please refer to the MySQL reference manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at BUGS
Please refer to to report bugs. AUTHOR
Ver 1.0, distribution 4.0.24 Michael (Monty) Widenius (, MySQL AB ( This software comes with no warranty. Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen (, Mercurmedia Data Model Architect / system developer (http://www.mercur- ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+------------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Availability | SUNWmysqlr, SUNWmysqlu, SUNWmysqlt | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Interface Stability | External | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ NOTES
Source for mysql is available on MySQL 4.0 19 December 2000 isamchk(1)
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