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mysqlaccess(1) [opensolaris man page]

mysqlaccess(1)							  MySQL database						    mysqlaccess(1)

mysqlaccess-Createnewuserstomysql. USAGE
mysqlaccess [host [user [db]]] OPTIONS SYNOPSIS
mysqlaccess [-?|--help] [-v|--version] [-p|--password=#] [-h|--host=#] [-d|--db=#] [-U|--superuser=#] [-P|--spassword=#] [-H|--rhost=#] [--old_server] [-b|--brief] [-t|--table] [--relnotes] [--plan] [--howto] [--debug=N] [--copy] [--preview] [--commit] [--rollback] DESCRIPTION
-?|--help display this helpscreen and exit -v|--version print information on the program `mysqlaccess' -u|--user=# username for logging in to the db -p|--password=# validate password for user -h|--host=# name or IP-number of the host -d|--db=# name of the database -U|--superuser=# connect as superuser -P|--spassword=# password for superuser -H|--rhost=# remote MySQL-server to connect to --old_server connect to old MySQL-server (before v3.21) which does not yet know how to handle full where clauses. -b|--brief single-line tabular report -t|--table report in table-format --relnotes print release-notes --plan print suggestions/ideas for future releases --howto some examples of how to run `mysqlaccess' --debug=N enter debuglevel N (0..3) --copy reload temporary grant-tables from original ones --preview show differences in privileges after making changes in (temporary) grant-tables --commit copy grant-rules from temporary tables to grant-tables (!don't forget to do an mysqladmin reload) --rollback undo the last changes to the grant-tables. NOTE
At least the user and the db must be given (even with wildcards) If no host is given, `localhost' is assumed Wildcards (*,?,%,_) are allowed for host, user and db, but be sure to escape them from your shell!! (i.e., type * or '*') SEE ALSO
isamchk(1), isamlog(1), mysql(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqld(1), mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1), mysqldump(1), mysql_fix_privilege_tables(1), mysqlshow(1), mysql_zap(1), perror(1), replace(1) For more information please refer to the MySQL reference manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at BUGS
Please refer to to report bugs. AUTHOR
Ver 1.0, distribution 4.0.24 Michael (Monty) Widenius (, MySQL AB ( This software comes with no warranty. Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen (, Mercurmedia Data Model Architect / system developer (http://www.mercur- ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+------------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Availability | SUNWmysqlr, SUNWmysqlu, SUNWmysqlt | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Interface Stability | External | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ NOTES
Source for mysql is available on MySQL 4.0 19 December 2000 mysqlaccess(1)

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mysqlshow(1)							  MySQL database						      mysqlshow(1)

mysqlshow - Shows the structure of a mysql database (databases,tables and columns) USAGE
shell> mysqlshow [OPTIONS] [database [table [column]]] SYNOPSIS
mysqlshow [-#|--debug=...] [-?|--help] [-c|--character-sets-dir=...] [-C|--compress] [-h|--host=...] [-i|--status] [-k|--keys] [-p|--password[=...]] [-P|--port=...] [-S|--socket=...] [-u|--user=#] [-V|--version] DESCRIPTION
-#|--debug=... output debug log. Often this is 'd:t:o,filename` -?|--help display help and exit -c|--character-sets-dir=... Directory where character sets are -C|--compress Use compression in server/client protocol -h|--host=... connect to host -i|--status Shows a lot of extra information about each table -k|--keys show keys for table -p|--password[=...] password to use when connecting to server If password is not given it's asked from the tty. -P|--port=... Port number to use for connection -S|--socket=... Socket file to use for connection -u|--user=# user for login if not current user -V|--version output version information and exit NOTE
If last argument contains a shell or SQL wildcard (*,?,% or _) then only what's matched by the wildcard is shown. If no database is given then all matching databases are shown. If no table is given then all matching tables in database are shown If no column is given then all matching columns and columntypes in table are shown SEE ALSO
isamchk(1), isamlog(1), mysql(1), mysqlaccess(1), mysqladmin(1), mysqld(1), mysqld_multi(1), mysqld_safe(1), mysqldump(1), mysql_fix_privi- lege_tables(1), mysql_zap(1), perror(1), replace(1) For more information please refer to the MySQL reference manual, which may already be installed locally and which is also available online at BUGS
Please refer to to report bugs. AUTHOR
Ver 1.0, distribution 4.0.24 Michael (Monty) Widenius (, MySQL AB ( This software comes with no warranty. Manual page by L. (Kill-9) Pedersen (, Mercurmedia Data Model Architect / system developer (http://www.mercur- ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +--------------------+------------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Availability | SUNWmysqlr, SUNWmysqlu, SUNWmysqlt | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ |Interface Stability | External | +--------------------+------------------------------------+ NOTES
Source for mysql is available on MySQL 4.0 19 December 2000 mysqlshow(1)
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