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ehci(4) [netbsd man page]

EHCI(4) 						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						   EHCI(4)

ehci -- USB Enhanced Host Controller driver SYNOPSIS
ehci* at cardbus? function ? ehci* at pci? dev ? function ? usb* at ehci? DESCRIPTION
The ehci driver provides support for the USB Enhanced Host Controller Interface, which is used by USB 2.0 controllers. EHCI controllers are peculiar in that they can only handle the USB 2.0 protocol. This means that they normally have one or more companion controllers (i.e., ohci(4) or uhci(4)) handling USB 1.x devices. Consequently each USB connector is electrically connected to two USB con- trollers. The handling of this is totally automatic, but can be noticed since USB 1.x and USB 2.0 devices plugged in to the same connector appear to connect to different USB busses. SEE ALSO
cardbus(4), ohci(4), pci(4), uhci(4), usb(4) HISTORY
The ehci driver appeared in NetBSD 1.6. BUGS
The support for hubs that are connected with high speed upstream and low or full speed downstream (i.e., for transaction translators) is lim- ited. BSD
Aug 10, 2008 BSD

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ehci(7D)							      Devices								  ehci(7D)

ehci - Enhanced host controller driver SYNOPSIS
usb@unit-address DESCRIPTION
The ehci driver is a USBA (Solaris USB Architecture) compliant nexus driver that supports the Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specifica- tion 2.0, an industry standard developed by Intel. The ehci supports bulk, interrupt, control and iso chronous transfers (on USB1.x devices behind a USB2.0 hub). FILES
/kernel/drv/ehci 32-bit ELF kernel module x86 platform /kernel/drv/sparcv9/ehci 64-bit SPARC ELF kernel module /kernel/drv/amd64/ehci 64-bit x86 ELF kernel module /kernel/drv/ehci.conf Driver configuration file ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+------------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+------------------------------+ |Architecture |SPARC, x86, PCI-based systems | +-----------------------------+------------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWusb | +-----------------------------+------------------------------+ SEE ALSO
add_drv(1M), prtconf(1M), update_drv(1M), attributes(5), hubd(7D), uhci(7D), ohci(7D), usba(7D) Writing Device Drivers Universal Serial Bus Specification 2.0 Enhanced Host Controller Interface Specification 1.0 System Administration Guide: Basic Administration DIAGNOSTICS
All host controller errors are passed to the client drivers. Root errors are documented in hubd(7D). In addition to being logged, the following messages may appear on the system console. All messages are formatted in the following manner: WARNING: <device path> <ehci><instance number>>: Error message... Due to recently discovered incompatibilities with this USB controller, USB2.x transfer support has been disabled. This device will continue to function as a USB1.x controller. If you are interested in enabling USB2.x support pleaserefer to the ehci(7D) man page. Please refer to for Solaris Ready products and to for additional compatible USB products. To enable USB2.x suppport, a new and more specific driver alias (refer to add_drv(1M) and update_drv(1M)) must be specified for ehci. By default, the ehci alias is 'pciclass,0c0320'. The compatible names in the prtconf(1M) output provides additional aliases. For exam- ple: # prtconf -vp | grep pciclass,0c0320 compatible: 'pci1106,3104.1106.3104.2063' + 'pci1106,3104.1106.3104' + 'pci1106,3104' + 'pci1106,3104.2063' + 'pci1106,3104' + 'pciclass,0c0320' + 'pciclass,0c03' .... A more specific alias is 'pci1106,3104'. Perform the following step to add this alias, then reboot the system: # update_drv -a -i '"pci1106,3104"' ehci # devfsadm -i ehci or reboot Connecting a high speed isochronous device to a high speed port is not supported. Devices requiring high speed isochronous USB service, such as high speed audio/video devices, are not supported. Unrecoverable USB hardware error. There was an unrecoverable USB hardware error reported by the ehci controller. Reboot the system. If this problem persists, contact your system vendor. No SOF interrupts. No SOF interrupts have been received. This USB EHCI controller is unusable. The USB hardware is not generating Start Of Frame interrupts. Reboot the system. If this problem persists, contact your system vendor. Please hotplug the 2.0 hub that this device is connected to. A device error was detected. Remove and reinsert the external USB2.0 hub. ehci_init_ctlr: Revision XX is not supported. High speed USB devices < revision .95 are not supported. ehci_init_ctrl: Unable to take control from BIOS. High speed USB devices are not supported. In this case, Solaris was unable to take control of the USB hardware from the system's BIOS. Contact your system vendor or your system administrator for possible changes in BIOS settings. (x86 only.) SunOS 5.10 7 Dec 2004 ehci(7D)
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