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acpiconf(8) [freebsd man page]

ACPICONF(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       ACPICONF(8)

acpiconf -- control ACPI power management SYNOPSIS
acpiconf [-h] [-i batt] [-k ack] [-s type] DESCRIPTION
The acpiconf utility allows the user control of the ACPI power management functions. The following command-line options are recognized: -h Displays a summary of available options. -i batt Get design information about the specified battery. -k ack Ack or abort a pending suspend request using the argument provided. Most users should not use this option directly. -s type Enters the specified sleep mode. Recognized types are 1 (only the CPU clock is stopped), 2 (not implemented on most systems but similar to S1), 3 (the CPU context is lost and memory context is preserved), 4 (the CPU context is lost and memory context is stored to disk) and 5 (soft off). Sleep states may also be given as S1, S2, etc. The supported states depend on BIOS implementation, including ACPI byte code (AML). If the /etc/rc.suspend and /etc/rc.resume scripts are executable, they will be run before and after entering the given sleep state. SEE ALSO
acpi(4), acpidump(8), apm(8) HISTORY
The acpiconf utility appeared in FreeBSD 5.0. AUTHORS
The acpiconf utility was written by Mitsuru Iwasaki <>. This manual page was written by Dag-Erling Smorgrav <>. BSD
June 10, 2014 BSD

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ACPIDUMP(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					       ACPIDUMP(8)

acpidump -- dump ACPI tables and ASL SYNOPSIS
acpidump [-d] [-t] [-h] [-v] [-f dsdt_input] [-o dsdt_output] DESCRIPTION
The acpidump utility analyzes ACPI tables in physical memory and can dump them to a file. In addition, acpidump can call iasl(8) to disas- semble AML (ACPI Machine Language) found in these tables and dump them as ASL (ACPI Source Language) to stdout. ACPI tables have an essential data block (the DSDT, Differentiated System Description Table) that includes information used on the kernel side such as detailed information about PnP hardware, procedures for controlling power management support, and so on. The acpidump utility can extract the DSDT data block from physical memory and store it into an output file and optionally also disassemble it. If any Secondary System Description Table (SSDT) entries exist, they will also be included in the output file and disassembly. When acpidump is invoked without the -f option, it will read ACPI tables from physical memory via /dev/mem. First it searches for the RSDP (Root System Description Pointer), which has the signature "RSD PTR ", and then gets the RSDT (Root System Description Table), which includes a list of pointers to physical memory addresses for other tables. The RSDT itself and all other tables linked from RSDT are generically called SDTs (System Description Tables) and their header has a common format which consists of items such as Signature, Length, Revision, Checksum, OEMID, OEM Table ID, OEM Revision, Creator ID and Creator Revision. When invoked with the -t flag, the acpidump utility dumps con- tents of the following tables: DMAR DSDT ECDT FACS FADT HPET MADT MCFG RSD PTR RSDT The RSDT contains a pointer to the physical memory address of the FACP (Fixed ACPI Description Table). The FACP defines static system infor- mation about power management support (ACPI Hardware Register Implementation) such as interrupt mode (INT_MODEL), SCI interrupt number, SMI command port (SMI_CMD) and the location of ACPI registers. The FACP also has a pointer to a physical memory address for the DSDT. While the other tables are fixed format, the DSDT consists of free-formatted AML data. OPTIONS
The following options are supported by acpidump: -d Disassemble the DSDT into ASL using iasl(8) and print the results to stdout. -t Dump the contents of the various fixed tables listed above. -h Displays usage and exit. -v Enable verbose messages. -f dsdt_input Load the DSDT from the specified file instead of physical memory. Since only the DSDT is stored in the file, the -t flag may not be used with this option. -o dsdt_output Store the DSDT data block from physical memory into the specified file. FILES
/dev/mem EXAMPLES
If a developer requests a copy of your ASL, please use the following command to dump all tables and compress the result. # acpidump -dt | gzip -c9 > my_computer.asl.gz This example dumps the DSDT from physical memory to foo.dsdt. It also prints the contents of various system tables and disassembles the AML contained in the DSDT to stdout, redirecting the output to foo.asl. # acpidump -t -d -o foo.dsdt > foo.asl This example reads a DSDT file and disassembles it to stdout. Verbose messages are enabled. # acpidump -v -d -f foo.dsdt SEE ALSO
acpi(4), mem(4), acpiconf(8), acpidb(8), iasl(8) HISTORY
The acpidump utility first appeared in FreeBSD 5.0 and was rewritten to use iasl(8) for FreeBSD 5.2. AUTHORS
Doug Rabson <> Mitsuru IWASAKI <> Yasuo YOKOYAMA <> Nate Lawson <> Some contributions made by Chitoshi Ohsawa <>, Takayasu IWANASHI <>, Yoshihiko SARUMARU <>, Hiroki Sato <>, Michael Lucas <> and Michael Smith <>. BUGS
The current implementation does not dump the BOOT structure or other miscellaneous tables. BSD
February 14, 2005 BSD
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