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radius(8) [debian man page]

RADIUS(8)						    InterNetNews Documentation							 RADIUS(8)

radius - nnrpd RADIUS password authenticator SYNOPSIS
radius [-h] [-f config] DESCRIPTION
radius is an nnrpd authenticator, accepting a username and password from nnrpd (given to nnrpd by a reader connection) and attempting to authenticate that username and password against a RADIUS server. See readers.conf(5) for more information on how to configure an nnrpd authenticator. It is useful for a site that already does user authentication via RADIUS and wants to authenticate news reading connections as well. By default, radius reads pathetc/radius.conf for configuration information, but a different configuration file can be specified with -f. See radius.conf(5) for a description of the configuration file. OPTIONS
-f config Read config instead of pathetc/radius.conf for configuration information. -h Print out a usage message and exit. EXAMPLE
The following readers.conf(5) fragment tells nnrpd to authenticate all connections using this authenticator: auth radius { auth: radius default: <FAIL> default-domain: } "" will be appended to the user-supplied identity, and if RADIUS authentication failes, the user will be assigned an identity of "<FAIL>". BUGS
It has been reported that this authenticator doesn't work with Ascend RADIUS servers, but does work with Cistron RADIUS servers. It's also believed to work with Livingston's RADIUS server. Contributions to make it work better with different types of RADIUS servers would be gratefully accepted. This code has not been audited against the RADIUS protocol and may not implement it correctly. HISTORY
The RADIUS authenticator was originally written by Aidan Cully. This documentation was written by Russ Allbery <>. $Id: radius.pod 7664 2007-09-02 12:58:07Z iulius $ SEE ALSO
nnrpd(8), radius.conf(5), readers.conf(5) RFC 2865, Remote Authentication Dial In User Service. INN 2.5.3 2009-05-21 RADIUS(8)

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PAM_RADIUS(8)						    BSD System Manager's Manual 					     PAM_RADIUS(8)

pam_radius -- RADIUS PAM module SYNOPSIS
[service-name] module-type control-flag pam_radius [options] DESCRIPTION
The RADIUS service module for PAM provides authentication services based upon the RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial In User Service) proto- col. The pam_radius module accepts these optional parameters: use_first_pass causes pam_radius to use a previously entered password instead of prompting for a new one. If no password has been entered then authentication fails. try_first_pass causes pam_radius to use a previously entered password, if one is available. If no password has been entered, pam_radius prompts for one as usual. echo_pass causes echoing to be left on if pam_radius prompts for a password. conf=pathname specifies a non-standard location for the RADIUS client configuration file (normally located in /etc/radius.conf). nas_id=identifier specifies a NAS identifier to send instead of the hostname. template_user=username specifies a user whose passwd(5) entry will be used as a template to create the session environment if the supplied username does not exist in the local password database. The user will be authenticated with the supplied username and password, but his cre- dentials to the system will be presented as the ones for username, i.e., his login class, home directory, resource limits, etc. will be set to ones defined for username. If this option is omitted, and there is no username in the system databases equal to the supplied one (as determined by call to getpwnam(3)), the authentication will fail. nas_ipaddr[=address] specifies a NAS IP address to be sent. If option is present, but there is no value provided then IP address corresponding to the current hostname will be used. FILES
/etc/radius.conf The standard RADIUS client configuration file for pam_radius SEE ALSO
passwd(5), radius.conf(5), pam(8) HISTORY
The pam_radius module first appeared in FreeBSD 3.1. The pam_radius manual page first appeared in FreeBSD 3.3. AUTHORS
The pam_radius manual page was written by Andrzej Bialecki <>. The pam_radius module was written by John D. Polstra <>. BSD
October 28, 2002 BSD
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