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radius.conf(5) [debian man page]

RADIUS.CONF(5)						    InterNetNews Documentation						    RADIUS.CONF(5)

radius.conf - Configuration for nnrpd RADIUS authenticator DESCRIPTION
This describes the format and attributes of the configuration file for the nnrpd RADIUS authenticator. See radius(1) for more information about the authenticator program. The default location for this file is radius.conf in pathetc. Blank lines and lines beginning with "#" are ignored, as is anything after a "#" on a line. All other lines should begin with a parameter name followed by a colon and the value of that key, except that each section of configuration for a particular server should be enclosed in: server <name> { # parameters... } where <name> is just some convenient label for that server. The available parameters are: radhost The hostname of the RADIUS server to use for authentication. This parameter must be set. radport The port to query on the RADIUS server. Defaults to 1645 if not set. lochost The hostname or IP address making the request. The RADIUS server expects an IP address; a hostname will be translated into an IP address with gethostbyname(). If not given, this information isn't included in the request (not all RADIUS setups require this information). locport The port the client being authenticated is connecting to. If not given, defaults to 119. This doesn't need to be set unless readers are connecting to a non-standard port. secret The shared secret with the RADIUS server. If your secret includes spaces, tabs, or "#", be sure to include it in double quotes. This parameter must be set. prefix Prepend the value of this parameter to all usernames before passing them to the RADIUS server. Can be used to prepend something like "news-" to all usernames in order to put news users into a different namespace from other accounts served by the same server. If not set, nothing is prepended. suffix Append the value of this parameter to all usernames before passing them to the RADIUS server. This is often something like "", depending on how your RADIUS server is set up. If not set, nothing is appended. ignore-source Can be set to "true" or "false". If set to false, the RADIUS authenticator will check to ensure that the response it receives is from the same IP address as it sent the request to (for some added security). If set to true, it will skip this verification check (if your RADIUS server has multiple IP addresses or if other odd things are going on, it may be perfectly normal for the response to come from a different IP address). EXAMPLE
Here is a configuration for a news server named, authenticating users against and appending "" to all client-supplied usernames before passing them to the RADIUS server: server example { radhost: lochost: secret: IamARADIUSsecRET suffix: } The shared secret with the RADIUS server is "IamARADIUSsecRET". HISTORY
This documentation was written by Russ Allbery <> based on the comments in the sample radius.conf file by Yury B. Razbegin. $Id: radius.conf.pod 8200 2008-11-30 13:31:30Z iulius $ SEE ALSO
radius(1) INN 2.5.3 2009-05-21 RADIUS.CONF(5)

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squid_radius_auth(8)					      System Manager's Manual					      squid_radius_auth(8)

squid_radius_auth - Squid RADIUS authentication helper SYNOPSIS
squid_radius_auth -f configfile squid_radius_auth -h "server" [-p port] [-i identifier] -w secret DESCRIPTION
This helper allows Squid to connect to a RADIUS server to validate the user name and password of Basic HTTP authentication. -f configfile Specifies the path to a configuration file. See the CONFIGURATION section for details. -h server Alternative method of specifying the server to connect to -p port Specify another server port where the RADIUS server listens for requests if different from the default RADIUS port. Normally not specified. -i identifier Unique identifier identifying this Squid proxy to the RADIUS server. If not specified the IP address is used as to identify the proxy. -w secret Alternative method of specifying the shared secret. Using the configuration file is generally more secure and recommended. -t timeout RADIUS request timeout. Default 10 seconds. CONFIGURATION
The configuration specifies how the helper connects to RADIUS. The file contains a list of directives (one per line). Lines beginning with a # is ignored. server radiusserver specifies the name or address of the RADIUS server to connect to. secret somesecretstring specifies the shared RADIUS secret. identifier nameofserver specifies what the proxy should identify itsels as to the RADIUS server. This directive is optional. port portnumber Specifies the port number or service name where the helper should connect. AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Henrik Nordstrom <> squid_radius_auth is written by Marc van Selm <> with contributions from Henrik Nordstrom <> and many others QUESTIONS
Any questions on usage can be sent to Squid Users <>, or to your favorite RADIUS list/friend if the question is more related to RADIUS than Squid. REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs or bug-fixes to Squid Bugs <> or ideas for new improvements to Squid Developers <squid-dev@squid-> SEE ALSO
RFC2058 - Remote Authentication Dial In User Service (RADIUS) Squid RADIUS Auth 7 August 2004 squid_radius_auth(8)
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