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di(3) [debian man page]

DI(3)							     Library Functions Manual							     DI(3)

DI - verify assertions in C and C++ code using gdb(1) SYNOPSIS
#include <DI.h> DI(exprn) DIG(exprn,guard) DIH(exprn,handler) DIP(exprn,param) DIGH(exprn,guard,handler) DIHP(exprn,handler,param) DIGHP(exprn,guard,handler,param) DS(exprn) DESCRIPTION
The DI(exprn) checks that the exprn is true in the same way as assert(3). It is however implemented by generating debugger commands from the source code and so only works if you run the command under a debugger after source the command file generated by nana(1). exprn - the expression to be checked. guard - the expression is normally only checked if the guard is true. handler - a macro which generates the code that handles the error condition. param - a parameter which can be passed off to the handler. This can be used for identifying the assertion failure in a space-efficent man- ner, e.g. by copying it into a register before aborting. See for details on configuring the behaviour on error detection, etc. You also need to include the nana library by using -lnana if you use the default setup. In addition to the DI, DIG, etc DI.h also provides DN, DNG, etc which are used to check that an expression is never true. SEE ALSO
nana-clg(1), nana(1), nana(3), I(3), L(3), DL(3), Q(3) and The file is the primary documentation for this library. AUTHOR
Phil Maker <> DI(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DL(3)							     Library Functions Manual							     DL(3)

DL - generate logging messages in C and C++ using a debugger SYNOPSIS
#include <DL.h> DL(format,...) DLG(guard,format,...) DLH(handler,format,...) DLP(param,format,...) DLGH(guard,handler,format,...) DLHP(handler,param,format,...) DLGHP(guard,handler,param,format,...) DESCRIPTION
The DL macro is used to print logging or debugging messages using a debugger. The nana(1) command generates a set of debugger commands which are then sourced into gdb(1) to implement the logging. If you don't run the executable under gdb(1) then no tracing will occur. The arguments are: format,... - a printf(3) style argument list containing the message guard - print only if the guard is true. handler - the code that does the printing. Default: fprintf param - a parameter to be passed off to the handler. Default: stdout See for details on configuring the behaviour. SEE ALSO
nana-clg(1), nana(1), nana(3), I(3), DI(3), L(3), DL(3), Q(3) and The file is the primary documentation for this library. AUTHOR
Phil Maker <> DL(3)
Man Page

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