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bup-ls(1) [debian man page]

bup-ls(1)						      General Commands Manual							 bup-ls(1)

bup-ls - list the contents of a bup repository SYNOPSIS
bup ls [-s] [-a] DESCRIPTION
bup ls lists files and directories in your bup repository using the same directory hierarchy as they would have with bup-fuse(1). The top level directory contains the branch (corresponding to the -n option in bup save), the next level is the date of the backup, and subsequent levels correspond to files in the backup. When bup ls is asked to output on a tty, it formats its output in columns so that it can list as much as possible in as few lines as possi- ble. However, when bup ls is asked to output to something other than a tty (say you pipe the output to another command, or you redirect it to a file), it will output one file name per line. This makes the listing easier to parse with external tools. Note that bup ls doesn't show hidden files by default and one needs to use the -a option to show them. Files are hidden when their name begins with a dot. For example, on the topmost level, the special directories named .commit and .tag are hidden directories. Once you have identified the file you want using bup ls, you can view its contents using bup join or git show. OPTIONS
-s, --hash show hash for each file/directory. -a, --all show hidden files. EXAMPLE
bup ls /myserver/latest/etc/profile bup ls -a / SEE ALSO
bup-join(1), bup-fuse(1), bup-ftp(1), bup-save(1), git-show(1) BUP
Part of the bup(1) suite. AUTHORS
Avery Pennarun <>. Bup unknown- bup-ls(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

bup-ftp(1)						      General Commands Manual							bup-ftp(1)

bup-ftp - ftp-like client for navigating bup repositories SYNOPSIS
bup ftp is a command-line tool for navigating bup repositories. It has commands similar to the Unix ftp(1) command. The file hierarchy is the same as that shown by bup-fuse(1) and bup-ls(1). Note: if your system has the python-readline library installed, you can use the <tab> key to complete filenames while navigating your backup data. This will save you a lot of typing. COMMANDS
The following commands are available inside bup ftp: ls [-s] [-a] [path] print the contents of a directory. If no path argument is given, the current directory's contents are listed. If -a is given, also include hidden files (files which start with a . character). If -s is given, each file is displayed with its hash from the bup ar- chive to its left. cd dirname change to a different working directory pwd print the path of the current working directory cat filenames... print the contents of one or more files to stdout get filename localname download the contents of filename and save it to disk as localname. If localname is omitted, uses filename as the local name. mget filenames... download the contents of the given filenames and stores them to disk under the same names. The filenames may contain Unix filename globs (*, ?, etc.) help print a list of available commands quit exit the bup ftp client EXAMPLE
$ bup ftp bup> ls mybackup/ yourbackup/ bup> cd mybackup/ bup> ls 2010-02-05-185507@ 2010-02-05-185508@ latest@ bup> cd latest/ bup> ls (...etc...) bup> get myfile Saving 'myfile' bup> quit SEE ALSO
bup-fuse(1), bup-ls(1), bup-save(1), bup-restore(1) BUP
Part of the bup(1) suite. AUTHORS
Avery Pennarun <>. Bup unknown- bup-ftp(1)
Man Page

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