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bt-serial(1) [debian man page]

bt-serial(1)							    bluez-tools 						      bt-serial(1)

bt-serial - a bluetooth serial manager SYNOPSIS
bt-serial [OPTION...] Help Options: -h, --help Application Options: -a, --adapter=<name|mac> -c, --connect <name|mac> <pattern> -d, --disconnect <name|mac> <tty_device> DESCRIPTION
This utility is used to manage serial service connections. OPTIONS
-h, --help Show help -a, --adapter <name|mac> Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address (if this option does not defined - default adapter used) -c, --connect <name|mac> <pattern> Connects to a specific RFCOMM based service on a remote device and then creates a RFCOMM TTY device for it; `pattern` is a profile short name (spp, dun), RFCOMM channel (1-30) -d, --disconnect <name|mac> <tty_device> Disconnect a RFCOMM TTY device that has been created AUTHOR
Alexander Orlenko <>. SEE ALSO
bt-adapter(1) bt-agent(1) bt-audio(1) bt-device(1) bt-input(1) bt-monitor(1) bt-network(1) 2010-08-12 bt-serial(1)
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