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bt-device(1) [debian man page]

bt-device(1)							    bluez-tools 						      bt-device(1)

bt-device - a bluetooth device manager SYNOPSIS
bt-device [OPTION...] Help Options: -h, --help Application Options: -a, --adapter=<name|mac> -l, --list -c, --connect=<mac> -d, --disconnect=<name|mac> -r, --remove=<name|mac> -i, --info=<name|mac> -s, --services <name|mac> [<pattern>] --set <name|mac> <property> <value> -v, --verbose DESCRIPTION
This utility is used to manage Bluetooth devices. You can list added devices, connect to a new device, disconnect device, remove added device, show info about device, discover remote device services or change device properties. OPTIONS
-h, --help Show help -a, --adapter <name|mac> Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address (if this option does not defined - default adapter used) -l, --list List added devices -c, --connect <mac> Connect to the remote device by his MAC, retrieve all SDP records and then initiate the pairing -d, --disconnect <name|mac> Disconnects a specific remote device by terminating the low-level ACL connection. -r, --remove Remove device (and also the pairing information) -i, --info Show information about device (returns all properties) -s, --services <name|mac> [<pattern>] Starts the service discovery to retrieve remote service records, the `pattern` parameter can be used to specify specific UUIDs --set <property> <value> Change device properties (see DEVICE PROPERTIES section for list of available properties) -v, --verbose Verbosely display remote service records (affect to service discovery mode) DEVICE PROPERTIES
string Address [ro] The Bluetooth device address (MAC) of the remote device. string Name [ro] The Bluetooth remote device name. string Icon [ro] Proposed icon name according to the icon naming specification. uint32 Class [ro] The Bluetooth class of device of the remote device. list UUIDs [ro] List of 128-bit UUIDs that represents the available remote services. boolean Paired [ro] Indicates if the remote device is paired. boolean Connected [ro] Indicates if the remote device is currently connected. boolean Trusted [rw] Indicates if the remote is seen as trusted. boolean Blocked [rw] If set to true any incoming connections from the device will be immediately rejected. string Alias [rw] The name alias for the remote device. The alias can be used to have a different friendly name for the remote device. In case no alias is set, it will return the remote device name. Setting an empty string as alias will convert it back to the remote device name. boolean LegacyPairing [ro] Set to true if the device only supports the pre-2.1 pairing mechanism. AUTHOR
Alexander Orlenko <>. SEE ALSO
bt-adapter(1) bt-agent(1) bt-audio(1) bt-input(1) bt-monitor(1) bt-network(1) bt-serial(1) 2010-11-22 bt-device(1)

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BTSCO(4)						   BSD Kernel Interfaces Manual 						  BTSCO(4)

btsco -- Bluetooth SCO Audio SYNOPSIS
btsco* at bthub? audio* at audiobus? DESCRIPTION
The btsco driver provides support for Bluetooth SCO Audio devices through the audio(4) driver. The btsco driver must be configured at run time with the btdevctl(8) program. The following properties are used by the btsco driver during autoconfiguration: local-bdaddr Local device address. remote-bdaddr Remote device address. service-name The btsco driver matches the 'HF' and 'HSET' services. For the 'HF' service, the btsco device will, on open(2), listen for incom- ing connections from the remote device. Otherwise, btsco will attempt to initiate a connection to the remote device. rfcomm-channel This integer value is not used directly, but will be stored and passed via the BTSCO_INFO ioctl as below: SCO connections require a baseband connection between the two devices before they can be created. The btsco driver does not create this, but can provide information to facilitate an application setting up a control channel prior to use, via the BTSCO_INFO ioctl(2) call on the mixer device, which returns a btsco_info structure as follows: #include <dev/bluetooth/btsco.h> struct btsco_info { bdaddr_t laddr; /* controller bdaddr */ bdaddr_t raddr; /* headset bdaddr */ uint8_t channel; /* RFCOMM channel */ int vgs; /* mixer index speaker */ int vgm; /* mixer index mic */ }; #define BTSCO_INFO _IOR('b', 16, struct btsco_info) The btsco driver can be configured to act in Connect or Listen mode. In Connect mode, the btsco driver will initiate a connection to the remote device on an open(2) call, whereas in Listen mode, open(2) will block until the remote device initiates the connection. SEE ALSO
bthset(1), ioctl(2), audio(4), bluetooth(4), bthub(4), btdevctl(8) HISTORY
The btsco driver was written for NetBSD 4.0 by Iain Hibbert under the sponsorship of Itronix, Inc. BUGS
btsco takes no notice of the HCI Voice Setting in the Bluetooth controller, and this must be 0x0060 (the default) as alternate values are currently unsupported. BSD
October 4, 2006 BSD
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