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bt-network(1) [debian man page]

bt-network(1)							    bluez-tools 						     bt-network(1)

bt-network - a bluetooth network manager SYNOPSIS
bt-network [OPTION...] Help Options: -h, --help Application Options: -a, --adapter=<name|mac> -c, --connect <name|mac> <uuid> -s, --server <gn|panu|nap> <brige> DESCRIPTION
This utility is used to manage network services (client/server). All servers will be automatically unregistered when the application terminates. OPTIONS
-h, --help Show help -a, --adapter <name|mac> Specify adapter to use by his Name or MAC address (if this option does not defined - default adapter used) -c, --connect <name|mac> <uuid> Connect to the network device and return the network interface name, uuid can be either one of "gn", "panu" or "nap" -s, --server <gn|panu|nap> <brige> Register server for the provided UUID, every new connection to this server will be added the bridge interface AUTHOR
Alexander Orlenko <>. SEE ALSO
bt-adapter(1) bt-agent(1) bt-audio(1) bt-device(1) bt-input(1) bt-monitor(1) bt-serial(1) 2010-11-22 bt-network(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

bt-monitor(1)							    bluez-tools 						     bt-monitor(1)

bt-monitor - a bluetooth monitor SYNOPSIS
bt-monitor [OPTION...] Help Options: -h, --help Application Options: -a, --adapter=<name|mac> DESCRIPTION
This utility is used to capture DBus signals of bluetoothd. Captured next signals: Manager signals: AdapterAdded AdapterRemoved DefaultAdapterChanged Adapter signals: DeviceCreated DeviceDisappeared DeviceFound DeviceRemoved AdapterPropertyChanged Device signals: DisconnectRequested DevicePropertyChanged Services signals: AudioServiceConnected InputServiceConnected NetworkServiceConnected OPTIONS
-h, --help Show help -a, --adapter <name|mac> Specify adapter to capture by his Name or MAC address (if this option does not defined - all adapters captured) AUTHOR
Alexander Orlenko <>. SEE ALSO
bt-adapter(1) bt-agent(1) bt-audio(1) bt-device(1) bt-input(1) bt-network(1) bt-serial(1) 2010-08-16 bt-monitor(1)
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