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cgconfigparser(8) [centos man page]

CGCONFIGPARSER(8)						 libcgroup Manual						 CGCONFIGPARSER(8)

cgconfigparser - setup control group file system SYNOPSIS
cgconfigparser [-h] [-l <filename>] [-L <directory>] [...] OPTIONS
-h, --help Displays help. -l, --load=FILE Parses the control groups configuration file Sets up the control group file system defined by the configuration file and mounts mount points defined by the configuration file. The format of the file is described in cgconfig.conf. This option can be used mul- tiple times and can be mixed with -L option. -L, --load-directory=DIR Finds all files in given directory and parses them in alphabetical order like they were specified by -l option. This option can be used multiple times and can be mixed with -l option. -a <agid>:<auid> defines the default owner of the rest of the defined control group's files. These users are allowed to set subsystem parameters and create subgroups. The default value is the same as has the parent cgroup. -d, --dperm=mode sets the default permissions of a control groups directory. The permissions needs to be specified as octal numbers e.g. -d 775. -f, --fperm=mode sets the default permissions of the control group files. The permissions needs to be specified as octal numbers e.g. -f 775. The value is not used as given because the current owner's permissions are used as an umask (so 777 will set group and others permis- sions to the owners permissions). -s, --tperm=mode sets the default permissions of the control group tasks files. The permissions needs to be specified as octal numbers e.g. -f 775. The value is not used as given because the current owner's permissions are used as an umask (so 777 will set group and others per- missions to the owners permissions). -t <tuid>:<tgid> defines the default owner of tasks file of the defined control group. I.e. this user and members of this group have write access to the file. ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES
CGROUP_LOGLEVEL controls verbosity of the tool. Allowed values are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING or ERROR. SEE ALSO
cgconfig.conf (5) Linux 2009-03-16 CGCONFIGPARSER(8)

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STRMODE(3)                                                 BSD Library Functions Manual                                                 STRMODE(3)

strmode -- convert inode status information into a symbolic string LIBRARY
Utility functions from BSD systems (libbsd, -lbsd) SYNOPSIS
#include <bsd/string.h> void strmode(mode_t mode, char *bp); DESCRIPTION
The strmode() function converts a file mode (the type and permission information associated with an inode, see stat(2)) into a symbolic string which is stored in the location referenced by bp. This stored string is eleven characters in length plus a trailing NUL. The first character is the inode type, and will be one of the following: - regular file b block special c character special d directory l symbolic link p fifo s socket w whiteout ? unknown inode type The next nine characters encode three sets of permissions, in three characters each. The first three characters are the permissions for the owner of the file, the second three for the group the file belongs to, and the third for the ``other'', or default, set of users. Permission checking is done as specifically as possible. If read permission is denied to the owner of a file in the first set of permis- sions, the owner of the file will not be able to read the file. This is true even if the owner is in the file's group and the group permis- sions allow reading or the ``other'' permissions allow reading. If the first character of the three character set is an ``r'', the file is readable for that set of users; if a dash ``-'', it is not read- able. If the second character of the three character set is a ``w'', the file is writable for that set of users; if a dash ``-'', it is not writable. The third character is the first of the following characters that apply: S If the character is part of the owner permissions and the file is not executable or the directory is not searchable by the owner, and the set-user-id bit is set. S If the character is part of the group permissions and the file is not executable or the directory is not searchable by the group, and the set-group-id bit is set. T If the character is part of the other permissions and the file is not executable or the directory is not searchable by others, and the ``sticky'' (S_ISVTX) bit is set. s If the character is part of the owner permissions and the file is executable or the directory searchable by the owner, and the set- user-id bit is set. s If the character is part of the group permissions and the file is executable or the directory searchable by the group, and the set- group-id bit is set. t If the character is part of the other permissions and the file is executable or the directory searchable by others, and the ``sticky'' (S_ISVTX) bit is set. x The file is executable or the directory is searchable. - None of the above apply. The last character is a plus sign ``+'' if any there are any alternate or additional access control methods associated with the inode, other- wise it will be a space. SEE ALSO
chmod(1), find(1), stat(2), getmode(3), setmode(3) HISTORY
The strmode() function first appeared in 4.4BSD. BSD July 28, 1994 BSD
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