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ht(4) [bsd man page]

HT(4)							     Kernel Interfaces Manual							     HT(4)

ht - TM-03/TE-16,TU-45,TU-77 MASSBUS magtape interface SYNOPSIS
/sys/conf/SYSTEM: NHT ht_drives # TE16, TU45, TU77 /etc/dtab: #Name Unit# Addr Vector Br Handler(s) # Comments ht ? 172440 224 5 htintr # tu 16 massbus tape major device number(s): raw: 6 block: 0 minor device encoding: bits 0003 specify HT drive bit 0004 specifies no-rewind operation bit 0010 specifies 1600BPI recording density instead of 800BPI DESCRIPTION
The tm-03/transport combination provides a standard tape drive interface as described in mtio(4). All drives provide both 800 and 1600 bpi; the TE-16 runs at 45 ips, the TU-45 at 75 ips, while the TU-77 runs at 125 ips and autoloads tapes. FILES
/dev/MAKEDEV script to create special files /dev/MAKEDEV.local script to localize special files SEE ALSO
mt(1), tar(1), tp(1), mtio(4), tm(4), ts(4), dtab(5), autoconfig(8) DIAGNOSTICS
tu%d: no write ring. An attempt was made to write on the tape drive when no write ring was present; this message is written on the termi- nal of the user who tried to access the tape. tu%d: not online. An attempt was made to access the tape while it was offline; this message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to access the tape. tu%d: can't change density in mid-tape. An attempt was made to write on a tape at a different density than is already recorded on the tape. This message is written on the terminal of the user who tried to switch the density. tu%d: hard error bn%d er=%b ds=%b. A tape error occurred at block bn; the ht error register and drive status register are printed in octal with the bits symbolically decoded. Any error is fatal on non-raw tape; when possible the driver will have retried the operation which failed several times before reporting the error. BUGS
If any non-data error is encountered on non-raw tape, it refuses to do anything more until closed. The system should remember which controlling terminal has the tape drive open and write error messages to that terminal rather than on the console. 3rd Berkeley Distribution January 28, 1988 HT(4)

Check Out this Related Man Page

mt(1)							      General Commands Manual							     mt(1)

       mt - magnetic tape manipulating program

       mt [-f tapename] command [count]

       The command permits the operation of a magnetic tape drive.

       The  -f	flag  option  uses  the specified tape device (next argument) in place of either that tape device defined by your TAPE environment
       variable (.login or .profile) or /dev/nrmt0h.

       Some operations may be performed multiple times by specifying count.  By default, performs the requested operation once.

       The command argument defines the operation to be performed.  Only as many characters as are required to uniquely identify a command need be

       The following is a list of commands:

       bsf		   Backspace count files.

       bsr		   Backspace count records.

       cache		   Allows to use the cache buffer on a tape drive that has the cache buffer feature.

       clhrdsf		   Clear  hardware/software problem.  Works with tape drives which use the TMSCP tape controller interface This command is
			   restricted to root access only.

       clserex		   Clear serious exception.  Works with tape drives which use the TMSCP tape controller interface

       clsub		   Clear subsystem.  Works with tape drives which use the TMSCP tape controller interface This command	is  restricted	to
			   root access only.

       eof, weof	   Write count end-of-file marks at the current position on the tape.

       eotdis		   Disable  end-of-tape  detection.   When the end of tape is reached, the tape will run off the reel.	Only the superuser
			   can issue this command.  The command remains in effect for the device until end-of-tape detection is enabled  with  the
			   eoten command.

       eoten		   Enable  end-of-tape	detection.   When the end-of-tape markers are reached, the tape is halted on the reel, between the
			   two end-of-tape markers.  Only the superuser can issue this command.  The command remains  in  effect  for  the  device
			   until end-of-tape detection is disabled with the eotdis command.  This is the default mode after a system boot.

       fsf		   Forward-space count files.

       fsr		   Forward-space count records.

       nocache		   Disables the use of the cache buffer for any tape drive that has the cache buffer feature.

       offline, rewoffl    Rewind the tape and place the tape unit off-line.

       retension	   Retensions the tape.  Retension means moving the tape one complete pass between EOT and BOT.

       rewind		   Rewind the tape.

       status		   Print status information about the tape unit.

       This example shows how to rewind the tape
       mt -f /dev/rmt0l rewind
       This example shows how to backspace the tape nmt1h three files:
       mt -f /dev/nrmt1h bsf 3
       This example shows how to write two end-of-file marks at the current position on tape nmt6h:
       mt -f /dev/nrmt6h eof 2

Return Values
       In  shell  scripts, returns a 0 exit status when the operation(s) were successful, 1 if the command was unrecognized, and 2 if an operation

       /dev/rmt?h or /dev/rmt?l
		 Raw magnetic tape interface with rewind when closed

       /dev/nmt?h or /dev/nmt?l
		 Raw magnetic tape interface with no rewind when closed

See Also
       dd(1), tar(1), ioctl(2), mtio(4), tms(4), environ(7)

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