i get stuck with this shell script code

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# 1  
Old 08-24-2009
i get stuck with this shell script code

i get stuck here . Anyone could check my work?
the user type a group of upper case letters at a time with 0 at the end. Find and display the first letter in alphabetic order.

For example, input of F, G, K, S, U, G, D, Q, P , the result should be D
Any invalid input character (eg. #, $, 3, a, etc.) should cause an error message and be ignored.

echo "please enter an alphabet"
echo "" > temp
while [ "$input3" != "0" ]; do
read input3
echo $input3 > check
if [ "$input3" != "0" ]; then
if [ check1=`grep -w "[A-Z]" check ]; then
echo $input3 >> temp
echo input should be upper case alphabet
grep -w "[A-Z]" temp > temp1
echo the first letter in alphabetic order is `sort temp1 | head -1`;;
# 2  
Old 08-24-2009
To keep the forums high quality for all users, please take the time to format your posts correctly.

First of all, use Code Tags when you post any code or data samples so others can easily read your code. You can easily do this by highlighting your code and then clicking on the # in the editing menu. (You can also type code tags [code] and [/code] by hand.)

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---------- Post updated at 10:51 AM ---------- Previous update was at 09:11 AM ----------



# Clean up old temp file
        if [[ -e $TMP ]]; then
                rm $TMP


echo "Enter one upper case character per line and hit enter; to stop enter a zero."

while :; do
        read INPUT
        case $INPUT in
                [A-Z])          echo $INPUT >> $TMP
                0)              echo '------ OUTPUT ------'
                                sort $TMP| uniq| head -1
                *)              echo "no upper case letter and/or more than 1 character!"


exit 0

# 3  
Old 08-25-2009
thanks for your help....love you so much!!keke

---------- Post updated 08-25-09 at 02:21 AM ---------- Previous update was 08-24-09 at 09:36 AM ----------

hi Zaxxon!
your code still work with lower case characters , can you check it again!?
# 4  
Old 08-25-2009
Works on my box:

Enter one upper case character per line and hit enter; to stop enter a zero.
no upper case letter and/or more than 1 character!
no upper case letter and/or more than 1 character!
no upper case letter and/or more than 1 character!
no upper case letter and/or more than 1 character!
no upper case letter and/or more than 1 character!
no upper case letter and/or more than 1 character!
------ OUTPUT ------

I guess you did not use ksh - I have the same problem like you on bash. Not sure why though. When using ksh like in the shebang (#!/usr/bin/ksh) all is fine. Maybe someone else knows why, sorry.

Found a way in bash - change the line inside the case/esac to:
                [A-Z])          echo $INPUT >> $TMP
# to
                [[:upper:]])          echo $INPUT >> $TMP

Last edited by zaxxon; 08-25-2009 at 05:42 AM.. Reason: update
# 5  
Old 08-25-2009
yeah! now i undertand my problem! thanks for your help.
# 6  
Old 08-25-2009

Do not post classroom or homework problems in the main forums. Homework and coursework questions can only be posted in this forum under special homework rules.

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