SOA Security (Part 1)

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Old 09-30-2007
SOA Security (Part 1)

Tim Bass
Sun, 30 Sep 2007 14:11:44 +0000
While we are on the topic of SOA, or*”modular distributed computing” as many of friends*are calling*SOA these days,*let us*take a moment to visit SOA security.
Many of*the security*issues associated with SOA*come from the fact that security, SOA-style, attempts to replace traditional security*controls with new, open standards.* Most of these new SOA security standards are relatively immature and unproven.*** In addition, the SOA standards that have emerged,*like XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI, *have done little, if anything*to address IT security.
XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI are open standards that enable the transmission and description of data and interprocess communications between systems.**These standards do not address SOA security and, by themselves,*are*simple a*security breach that easily*circumvent firewalls and put organizations at higher risk.
Therefore, as we move*to*”modular distributed computing”*the architecture of*loose coupling has the second order effect of*decreasing*SOA adoption when we get*past the*market*hype and move into the details of how to actually security this loosely coupled monster we are building.
In this series, wearing my CISSP hat,**we will visit many of the key issues in SOA security and talk about why event processing is critical to securing modular distributed architectures.

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ldns-compare-zones(1)					      General Commands Manual					     ldns-compare-zones(1)

ldns-compare-zones - read and compare two zonefiles and print differences SYNOPSIS
ldns-compare-zones [-c] [-i] [-d] [-z] [-s] ZONEFILE1 ZONEFILE2 DESCRIPTION
ldns-compare-zones reads two DNS zone files and prints number of differences. Output is formated to: +NUM_INS -NUM_DEL ~NUM_CHG The major comparison is based on the owner name. If an owner name is present in zonefile 1, but not in zonefile 2, the resource records with this owner name are considered deleted, and counted as NUM_DEL. If an owner name is present in zonefile 2, but not in zonefile 1, the resource records with this owner name are considered inserted, and counted as NUM_INS. If an owner name is present in both, but there is a difference in the amount or content of the records, these are considered changed, and counted as NUM_CHG. OPTIONS
-c Print resource records whose owner names are in both zone files, but with different resource records. (a.k.a. changed) -i Print resource records whose owner names are present only in ZONEFILE2 (a.k.a. inserted) -d Print resource records whose owner names are present only in ZONEFILE1 (a.k.a. deleted) -a Print all changes. Specifying this option is the same as specifying -c -i amd -d. -z Suppress zone sorting; this option is not recommended; it can cause records to be incorrectly marked as changed, depending of the nature of the changes. -s Do not exclude the SOA record from the comparison. The SOA record may then show up as changed due to a new serial number. Off by default since you may be interested to know if (other zone apex elements) have changed. -h Show usage and exit -v Show the version and exit AUTHOR
Written by Ondej Sury <> for CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o. (czech domain registry) REPORTING BUGS
Report bugs to <>. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2005 CZ.NIC, z.s.p.o.. This is free software. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. 17 Oct 2007 ldns-compare-zones(1)