Port hang issue in AIX Version 5.3

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Operating Systems AIX Port hang issue in AIX Version 5.3
# 8  
Old 08-14-2009
There is definitely no limit of connections to any particular port in AIX ... I have loads of boxes with 2500+ connections to the port of the oracle listener.

I assume you are using connection pools to access somehow a database. If this is the case, please have a look here Configuring and Using WebLogic JDBC

When your applications attempt to get a connection from a connection pool in which there are no available connections, the connection pool throws an exception stating that a connection is not available in the connection pool. To avoid this error, make sure your connection pool can expand to the size required to accommodate your peak load of connection requests.

To set the maximum number of connections for a connection pool in the Administration Console, expand the navigation tree in the left pane to show the Services—>JDBC—>Connection Pools nodes and select a connection pool. Then, in the right pane, select the Configuration—>Connections tab and specify a value for Maximum Capacity.

Kind regards
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qpsmtpd-prefork(8)					      System Manager's Manual						qpsmtpd-prefork(8)

qpsmtpd-prefork - Preforkin server for qpsmtpd SYNOPSIS
qpsmtpd-prefork [options] DESCRIPTION
qpsmtpd-prefork is the qpsmtpd frontend script which binds to the SMTP TCP socket, and asynchronously forks new children in advance of new connections. OPTIONS
--port port Binds to a specific port, instead of the default 2525. --user user On startup, switch to run as user instead of the starting user. Applies only when started as root (as is normal when listening on port 25). --limit-connections limit Accept at most limit simultaneous connections. Inbound connections beyondthis limit will be deferred or refused. --max-from-ip limit Accept at most limit simultaneous connections from any given IP address; does not override --limit-connections, if set. --children limit Limit the total number of child processes to limit; once all children are handling requests, further connections are deferred. --idle-children count Keep count child processes available, subject to the upper bound given via --children. Specify 0 to disable preforking entirely. --interface addr Bind to the local address addr, instead of the default behavior of binding to all interfaces. Can be specified multiple times to bind to more than one interface or local address. --renice-parent delta Adjust the priority of the parent process by delta, yielding more CPU time to other processes. The default is 5. --detach Detach from the controlling terminal at startup, to run as a standalone daemon. See also --pid-file. --pid-file filename Upon startup, and after daemonizing if applicable, write the process ID to filename, for use by sysvinit control scripts or similar utilities. --pretty-child Update child process names within the process table. --version Print the qpsmtpd release version and exit. --debug Be somewhat more verbose about logging during startup (has no effect once fully started). --help Display commandline help and exit. AUTHOR
Copyright (c) 2006, SoftScan; based on qpsmtpd-forkserver by Ask Bjorn Hansen <ask@develooper.com> http://smtpd.develooper.com/ qpsmtpd-prefork(8)