10 More Discussions You Might Find Interesting
1. Shell Programming and Scripting
i have one function block in the beginning of my script and there are some commands inside that function which will perform some operations.
And i am invoking that function from my main script by passing some values. Sometimes it is hanging in the middle for some value.
For example:
For 1st... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: thomasraj87
3 Replies
2. Solaris
Hi all,
We're been having issues with quite a few Solaris 10 VMs hanging after about a week of uptime. These VMs are running on VMware ESXi 4.1 U1 hosts and the issue does not occur on any specific host. We also running CentOS VMs and are not experiencing any issues with those VMs. The VMs that... (5 Replies)
Discussion started by: derekivey
5 Replies
3. Solaris
Hi, Any help would be appreciated, when I attempt to install either OpenSolaris or Solaris 11 the install hangs right after the copyright where normally it would be "configuring devices" . If it is SOL 11 it just hangs if it is OpenSolaris it starts spitting out the following:
WARNING: hubdi:... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: jk121960
0 Replies
4. Programming
I ported a file system from Kernel version 2.6.18.* to as VFS implementation has changed and prepare_write/commit_write are replaced by write_begin/write_end pairs.
Implemented the feature by writing a wrapper for write_begin and write_end and calling original functions for... (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: Praveen_218
0 Replies
5. UNIX Desktop Questions & Answers
Do you guys by any chance know what is the best (if any ) way to move CDE configuration from a SOLARIS 10 machine to HP-UX?
Just the config (actions, text files etc).
Thanks in advance! (0 Replies)
Discussion started by: binary0x01
0 Replies
6. Solaris
I have a solaris10 zone running an oracle db in it. The zone hangs after some time the db is started and i 'm unable to log into the zone after that so i have to halt and restart the zone along with db .. but after few hrs again it hangs. What would be the reason for it. I did svcs -xv and got... (13 Replies)
Discussion started by: fugitive
13 Replies
7. AIX
On AIX platform we are having Weblogic 8.1 as the middleware for an application.
The application is deployed in Weblogic on AIX platform and the server is having 2 dedicated listening ports for any incoming requests.
Output for netstat -an command for the port 30001 is as follows:-
tcp4... (7 Replies)
Discussion started by: subharai
7 Replies
8. Solaris
Hi All,
I have solaris 10 on X86 and I need to connect this through X-Manager or similar software.
I have googled a lot and tried the following :
root@sol10x86 # ps -ef |grep dtlogin
root 1825 4718 0 13:38:50 pts/1 0:00 grep dtlogin
root@sol10x86 # svcs cde-login
STATE ... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: pintu_asim
2 Replies
9. Solaris
I have an ultra 10 system, and am trying to install and verify a previously cloned hard drive, to make sure it works, that it really is a duplicate of the hard drive currently on an other server, etc.
I plugged in this cloned hard drive as master, only drive in the system.
No network LAN... (2 Replies)
Discussion started by: HikerLT
2 Replies
10. UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers
I performed a sys-unconfig as suggested in one of the other threads to set up IP on hme0. Unfortunately after all is said and done, it no longer boots to the CDE but sits at a command prompt. Any ideas (I don't know Unix). Thanks in advance!
Rob Cluett (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: cluettr
3 Replies