Hi Jacrispy,
It may be that grep is the correct tool for your task, however until you furnish information about the task - we can't be much more specific than eleenrose.
An analogy is a microscope is good for looking at the miniscule and close, but to look for Stars you probably need a telescope.
If we don't know what the problem is it isn't easy to give the proper help and advice.
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gearman_task_data - Gearmand Documentation, http://gearman.info/
#include <libgearman/gearman.h>
void gearman_task_free(gearman_task_st *task)
void *gearman_task_context(const gearman_task_st *task)
void gearman_task_set_context(gearman_task_st *task, void *context)
const char *gearman_task_function_name(const gearman_task_st *task)
const char *gearman_task_unique(const gearman_task_st *task)
const char *gearman_task_job_handle(const gearman_task_st *task)
bool gearman_task_is_known(const gearman_task_st *task)
bool gearman_task_is_running(const gearman_task_st *task)
uint32_t gearman_task_numerator(const gearman_task_st *task)
uint32_t gearman_task_denominator(const gearman_task_st *task)
void gearman_task_give_workload(gearman_task_st *task, const void *workload, size_t workload_size)
size_t gearman_task_send_workload(gearman_task_st *task, const void *workload, size_t workload_size, gearman_return_t *ret_ptr)
const void *gearman_task_data(const gearman_task_st *task)
size_t gearman_task_data_size(const gearman_task_st *task)
void *gearman_task_take_data(gearman_task_st *task, size_t *data_size)
size_t gearman_task_recv_data(gearman_task_st *task, void *data, size_t data_size, gearman_return_t *ret_ptr)
const char *gearman_task_error(const gearman_task_st *task)
New in version 0.21.
gearman_return_t gearman_task_return(const gearman_task_st *task)
New in version 0.21.
Link with -lgearman
A gearman_task_st represents a task. Work that is sent by a client to a gearman server is seen as a task (a worker recieves a task in the
form of a job.
Tasks, i.e. gearman_task_st are created by calling either gearman_execute(), gearman_client_add_task(), or gearman_client_add_task_back-
gearman_client_add_task_status() can also create gearman_task_st, these tasks will be used to monitor a previously created gearman_task_st.
gearman_task_free() is used to free a task. This only needs to be done if a task was created with a preallocated structure or if you want
to clean up the memory of a specific task.
gearman_task_set_context() sets the given context of the gearman_task_st. The context can be used to pass information to a gearman_task_st.
gearman_task_context() returns the context that was used in the creation of the gearman_task_st (or that was set with
gearman_task_data() returns the current data that has been returned to the task. gearman_task_data_size() will give you the size of the
value. gearman_task_take_data() is the same as gearman_task_data() but the value that is returned must be freed by the client (free(3)).
gearman_task_recv_data() can be used with pre-allocated buffers.
gearman_task_is_known(), gearman_task_is_running(), gearman_task_numerator(), and gearman_task_denominator(), return values related to the
last status update that was made to the gearman_task_st. They do not cause the gearman_task_st to update itself.
gearman_task_error() return the last error message that the gearman_task_st encountered. gearman_task_return() return the last gear-
man_return_t stored. A value of GEARMAN_UNKNOWN_STATE means that the task has not been submitted to server yet, or that no function was
available if the job has been submitted.
Various. Values that are returned by gearman_task_take_data() must have free(3) called on them.
To find out more information please check: http://gearman.info/
gearmand(8) libgearman(3)
Data Differential http://www.datadifferential.com/
2012, Data Differential, http://www.datadifferential.com/
0.33 May 04, 2012 GEARMAN_TASK_DATA(3)