Given the inconsistent spacing between fields in the sample input in fileB, I assume that there is no reason to expect that the spacing between fields in file1 would be identical to the spacing between fields in file2 for lines that would match if the individual fields were matched instead of matching an entire line from file1 (or using the submitter's filenames, fileA).
Ok so I can use awk to match a pattern and print the whole line with print $0. Is there any way to just tell awk to print every line of output when the pattern matches?
I'm having it wait for the word error and then print that entire line. But what I actually need to see is all the following... (9 Replies)
I have thousands of tables compiled in a single txt document that I'm parsing with AWK. Scattered throughout the document in random sections I would like to parse out the sections that look like this:
1 Seq. Descrição do bem Tipo do bem Valor do bem (R$)
2 1 LOCALIZADO ANA RUA PESSEGO N 96... (3 Replies)
I have a file with many lines which contain strings like .. etc.
But with no rule regarding field separators or anything else.
I want to print ONLY THE STRING from each line , not the entire line !!!
For example from the lines :
Flow on service executed with success in . Performances... (5 Replies)
Hi AWK Experts,
Following is the data :
BRH113 DD AA HH CA DD DD AA HH BRH091 A4 A6 AH H7 67 HH J8 9J BRH0991 AA D8 C23 V5 H7 BR2 BRH991 AA HH GG5 BT0 JJ0
I want the output to be alligned with the pattern matching "BRH" inthe line.
The output should be look like:
A]... (4 Replies)
Hi, I am trying to do something like this ...
I use awk to match a pattern, and then print out all col.
My code is :
awk '{if ($1 ==300) print $1,$2-'$sbin7',$3}' tmp.txt
300 2
whereby sbin7=2,
The thing is, I want to print all col and row, not just the matched line/row only, but... (10 Replies)
I need a script that will search for a string from column 1 in file A and when the string matches the last column in file B, print columns 1, 2 (file A) and columns 2, 3 (file B).
file A
stringtomatch1 a
stringtomatch2 a
stringtomatch3 b
file B
junkcolumn1 printcolumn2... (4 Replies)
I have the following script in place that will print the values of FileB when the first column matches File A's first column.
awk 'NR == FNR {A=$2;next};$1 in A {print $1,$NF,$2,$3,A}' FileA FileB
3013 4
3013 2009 03 JUNK 43
3013 43 2009 03 (2 Replies)
In the awk below I am trying to output those lines that Match between file1 and file2, those Missing in file1, and those missing in file2. Using each $1,$2,$4,$5 value as a key to match on, that is if those 4 fields are found in both files the match, but if those 4 fields are not found then missing... (0 Replies)
Dear team,
Need support to built awk script for below requirement
Input file
LOTC cluster state:
Node safNode=SC_2_1 joined cluster |
Node safNode=SC_2_2 joined cluster |
Node safNode=PL_2_3 fail cluster |
AMF cluster state:
------------------... (16 Replies)
Discussion started by: shanul karim
16 Replies
JOIN(1) General Commands Manual JOIN(1)NAME
join - relational database operator
join [ options ] file1 file2
Join forms, on the standard output, a join of the two relations specified by the lines of file1 and file2. If file1 is `-', the standard
input is used.
File1 and file2 must be sorted in increasing ASCII collating sequence on the fields on which they are to be joined, normally the first in
each line.
There is one line in the output for each pair of lines in file1 and file2 that have identical join fields. The output line normally con-
sists of the common field, then the rest of the line from file1, then the rest of the line from file2.
Fields are normally separated by blank, tab or newline. In this case, multiple separators count as one, and leading separators are dis-
These options are recognized:
-an In addition to the normal output, produce a line for each unpairable line in file n, where n is 1 or 2.
-e s Replace empty output fields by string s.
-jn m Join on the mth field of file n. If n is missing, use the mth field in each file.
-o list
Each output line comprises the fields specified in list, each element of which has the form n.m, where n is a file number and m is a
field number.
-tc Use character c as a separator (tab character). Every appearance of c in a line is significant.
SEE ALSO sort(1), comm(1), awk(1)BUGS
With default field separation, the collating sequence is that of sort -b; with -t, the sequence is that of a plain sort.
The conventions of join, sort, comm, uniq, look and awk(1) are wildly incongruous.
7th Edition April 29, 1985 JOIN(1)