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Top Forums UNIX for Dummies Questions & Answers AIX bash script - exiting freezed telnet Post 302955550 by libeccio on Friday 18th of September 2015 12:11:18 PM
Old 09-18-2015
Hi, I found this solution (not so 'strong' but it worked for me)... .Any Comments will be appreciated.. Thanks for your help.

touch myips.txt myports.txt result.txt
rm myips.txt myports.txt result.txt
read ip1?"insert dest ip: "
read p1?"insert first port of the range (or the unique one): "
read pn?"insert last port of the range (or the unique one): "
echo $ip1 >> myips.txt
echo $p1 $pn | awk '{ for (i=$1;i<=$2;i++) { print i} }'>> myports.txt
for ip in $('cat' myips.txt)
   for port in $('cat' myports.txt)
       echo ""
       echo ""
       echo "telnet $ip $port" >> result.txt
       sleep 1 | telnet $ip $port >> result.txt 2>&1 &
       echo "Telnet in progress..saving results to "result.txt"" 
       sleep 2
       if [ $(ps -efa | grep $PID |grep -v grep|grep -v defunct| wc -l) -eq 1 ]; then
          TMOUT_CONN=$(ps -efa | grep $PID |grep -v grep|grep -v defunct| awk '{print $9,$10}') 
           kill -9 $PID
           echo "PID $PID still UP after 2 seconds, connection to $TMOUT_CONN is in Trying state.\nSubprocess Killed"

Moderator's Comments:
Mod Comment Please use code tags next time for your code and data

Last edited by vbe; 09-18-2015 at 02:41 PM.. Reason: code tags

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PESCETTI(1)						      General Commands Manual						       PESCETTI(1)

pescetti -- Pseudo-Duplimate Generator SYNOPSIS
This manual page documents briefly the pescetti command. OPTIONS
Here are a list of the available options and what they do. You must specify exactly one from --demo, --generate or --load. --help Prints the help text --demo Demonstration mode. Generates one hand with permutations and the tutorial for how to use them. --generate=N Generate N random boards --load=boards.txt Load boards+analysis from boards.txt --load-dds=boards.dds Load boards from boards.dds in dds format --load-analysis=tricks.txt Load analysis from tricks.txt --permutations=permutations.txt Generate the permutations and save them to the given file --curtains=curtains.txt Save curtain cards to file curtains.txt --save=boards.txt Save the boards+analysis to boards.txt --save-dds=boards.dds Save the boards to boards.dds in dds format --save-analysis=tricks.txt Save the analysis to tricks.txt --format=html|txt|pdf Set the output mode to the given format --title=title Set the title for the output --output=hands.txt Print the hands to hands.txt, rather than to standard output --stats Generate statistics about the set of boards; included in the hands output --analyze Run the dds analyzer on the boards and print the resulting numberof tricks (warning SLOW) --criteria= A list of criteria to apply to each generated hand to generate specific hand types. The list should be space separated and each item may be suffixed with a colon and a (fractional) probability value which can be used to weight the criteria. E.g. --criteria="weaknt:0.8 strongnt:0.5" Valid criteria are: unbalanced weaknt strongnt twont strongtwo weaktwo three twoclubs 4441 singlesuit twosuits partscore game slam game-invite slam-invite jumpshift jumpfit splinter bacon weird --probability=factor Generate hands matching the criteria with only the given probability. Factor is in the range 0 to 1. On each attempt to generate a board it is rejected if it doesn't match the criteria with the given probability. A factor of about 0.8 gives roughly half matching boards AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Matthew Johnson <debian@matthew.ath.cx>. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this docu- ment under the terms of the GNU General Public License, Version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL. PESCETTI(1)
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