How to kill exiting process in AIX

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Operating Systems AIX How to kill exiting process in AIX
# 1  
Old 06-19-2011
How to kill exiting process in AIX

I could not able to kill two process which is running in the required port for me.Can any body help me to kill the exiting process.

- 27000908 - - - <exiting>
- 30998528 - - - <exiting>
# 2  
Old 06-19-2011
all i know is as follows if kill -9 pid doesn't work nothing else will work ( as far as i know ) rebooting is the only way I know to clear these exiting processes. .
exiting process must free all of the resources it has before
completely exited, otherwise all kinds of side effects can occur such as
memory leaks, filesystems where you can't free up space or unmount them, etc.

Last edited by; 06-19-2011 at 11:33 AM..
# 3  
Old 06-20-2011
Thank you h@foorsa for your response.I am not able to kill these process with kill -9 also tried different options.This is coming now frequently (within two /three days) when I am going to restart my weblogic application.Any idea why it is happening?
# 4  
Old 06-20-2011
Typical cause for unkillable process is pending IO like bad magnetic tape or NFS server went away.

Are you using solaris ?
# 5  
Old 06-20-2011
I am using AIX and when running my weblogic application the system is getting hung.When i am trying to kill or stop the process and reboot again then it is showing that the port is used by another process.After finding the process id for the port ,I found the process id is in exiting state and not able to kill those process anyway.Only after rebooting the issue has been resolved.I need help on why the application is getting hung and also if there is any way to kill the process of exiting state
# 6  
Old 06-20-2011
Did you check weblogic and AIX error logs?? maybe you get some info about the warning from there
# 7  
Old 06-23-2011
wait for it to finish up or reboot.
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