I'm trying to study HP-UX by myself. Now I'm reading some stuffs about how to get information about lunpath, lun and etc..
My problem is when I execute scsimgr like this:
Has something changed in HP-UX to run scsimgr?
Last edited by Scott; 07-19-2012 at 10:41 AM..
Reason: Code tags
Dear All
I tried to follow the instruction in this link:
I created all these partitions as mentioned in the link above by using partition commander 9
Fist stage:
I installed XP in first partition (hda1)....success.
Second stage:
Install... (0 Replies)
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dtterm -title shell1
run process1 on shell1
dtterm -title shell2
run process2 on shell2
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In my cronjob, I would like to schedule my script.sh to run every minutes. I crontab -e and have in line below but it didn't seems to run at all.
* * * * * script.sh
When I run it manually, I can run it. Is that anything wrong with the above line?
If I change it to something like below,... (4 Replies)
how to run an already developed script run against a list of ip addresses solaris 8 question.
the script goes away and check traffic information, for example
and returns the results ok.
how do I run this against an ip list? i.e a list of 30 ip addresses (26 Replies)
If I run 'who -u' interactively or from a script invoked through bash in a tty on my Ubuntu 12LTS box I get an output like this:
testuser pts/0 Dec 9 02:32 . 2163 (host.xx.yy)
running the same through cron I get:
testuser pts/0 2012-12-09 02:32 00:05 2163... (2 Replies)
Hello all,
I'm trying to write a script to gather and send data and it works just fine at the bash command line, but when executing from CRON, it does not run properly.
My scripting skills are pretty limited and there's probably a better way, but as I said it works at the command line, but... (12 Replies)
I am from MQ/MB technology. My requirement is to display the queue manger and broker status on daily basis.
If I manually run the script, it works fine and displays output. But when I have scheduled the same using cronjobs it shows only the queue manger status and not the broker status.
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From a Shell script, can call a Perl, Python, PHP (or Ruby ?) file
a Shell script run in a case statement call to run a php file, also Perl or/and Python file???
case $INPUT_STRING... (1 Reply)
Discussion started by: hoyanet
1 Replies
scsimgr_fcd(7) Miscellaneous Information Manual scsimgr_fcd(7)NAME
scsimgr_fcd - Fibre Channel interface driver fcd plug-in for scsimgr
The Fibre Channel interface driver plug-in for implements management operations specific to fibre channel HBA controllers bound to driver
is the native HP-UX Fibre Channel interface driver that manages fibre channel devices.
The plug-in handles the following operations for driver
o Get, set and save per driver instance attributes.
The user can explicitly send the following commands to the driver plug-in by specifying the instance#> HBA controller hardware path>
instance#> option:
Displays information on attributes.
Saves value of attributes in a persistent store.
Sets values of attributes.
Refer to scsimgr(1M) for the syntax of these commands.
automatically invokes the plug-in to perform the driver specific part of the operation when the operation applies to per driver instances.
The following table lists driver specific attributes. For details on the concept of attributes refer to scsimgr(1M).
Note: The following conventions are used:
o RO is Read Only.
o RW is Read Write.
o string is an array of characters.
Object Attribute Name RO/RW Type Description
Controller sym_port_name RW string Symbolic Port Name for
fibre channel HBA con-
Default: <host-
sym_node_name RW string Symbolic Node Name for
fibre channel HBA con-
Default: <hostname>_HP-
UX_<os release version>
Display all attributes for HBA controller with DSF /dev/fcd1:
Get HBA controller symbolic port name for DSF /dev/fcd1:
Get HBA controller symbolic node name for hardware path 0/2/1/0:
Set HBA controller symbolic port name for DSF /dev/fcd1 to fcd1_port:
Set HBA controller symbolic node name for class fc and instance 8 to fcd1_node:
Save HBA controller symbolic port name for DSF /dev/fcd1 as fcd1_port:
Save HBA controller symbolic node name for hardware path 0/2/1/0 as fcd1_node:
Fibre Channel interface driver plug-in for was developed by HP.
SEE ALSO scsimgr(1M), intro(7).