Is the password being generated by ssh maybe? Do you have a public key in the authorized_hosts file on the remote machine. What is the result of
You might have determined that it's not ssh, but since you didn't mention it I figured I'd ask.
Hi All,
I've login to Unix using login name guest and I'm working on it,
I need another session to run some script hence tried to login
but password invalid it says here my question is :
Since I'm in working in one session can I set the password without knowing old password? is there any... (1 Reply)
Here's the issue. Currently when I run passwd -f "username" on any account, when I try to login with said account I don't get prompted to change my password I just keep getting prompted to input a password. (Of course this works just fine with telnet)Is there something i need to add to... (7 Replies)
I have created a shell script to telnet remote machine. Here is the problem I am not able to pass the login username and password to the telnet session. I have searched forum and got few other methods to achieve this. But I need to know what's wrong in the below script.
username="root"... (2 Replies)
I need a solution. I am using Putty/CRT to login in a AIX server from my windows machine. When i closed my putty/CRT prompt from windows client, server session is expire.
Ex. I have run a script to take RMAN backup from PUTTY/CRT command window, After closing command window RMAN backup... (2 Replies)
First of all, in no way I want to use this to hack / cheat / steal etc ...
I am an admin of a couple of hundred users which are 99,8% > 500miles away from me and to facilitate some administration part I would like to be able to "spy" what they are doing in there sessions, live.
... (7 Replies)
Hi All,
I have created a new user. Using the below command I have created the user successfully.
useradd -c "Test user" -d /tmp/test -g Testgroup -s /bin/ksh -u 601 Test
I don't want to set the password using “passwd” command after creating a user.
I want to prompt for the new... (2 Replies)
From the below script:
#Author: Pandeeswaran Bhoopathy
#Written on:26th Jan 2012 2:00PM
#This script describes the feature of stty and illustrates... (3 Replies)
Discussion started by: pandeesh
3 Replies
asadmin-stop-instance(1AS) User Commands asadmin-stop-instance(1AS)NAME
asadmin-stop-instance, stop-instance - stops the specified server instance and all the services associated with it
stop-instance [--user admin_user] [--password admin_password] [--host local_host] [--port 4848] [--local=false] [--domain domain_name]
Use the stop-instance to stop the instance with the instance name specified. The stop-instance can be run both locally and remotely. The
named instance must already exist within the given domain; and the instance must be running.
OPTIONS --user administrative user associated for the instance.
--password administrative password corresponding to the administrative user.
--host host name of the machine hosting the administrative instance.
--port administrative port number associated with the administrative host.
--local determines if the command should delegate the request to administrative instance or run locally.
--domain name of the domain.
--passwordfile file containing passwords appropriate for the command (e.g., administrative instance).
--secure if true, uses SSL/TLS to communicate with the administrative instance.
instance_name name of the instance to be stopped.
Example 1: Using stop-instance in local mode
asadmin> stop-instance --local --domain domain1 server1
Instance server1 stopped
Where: the server1 instance associated with the domain1 domain is stopped locally.
Example 2: Using stop-instance in remote mode
asadmin> stop-instance --user admin --password bluestar --host localhost --port 4848 server1
Instance server1 stopped
Where: the server1 instance associated with the named user, password, host and port is deleted from the remote machine.
0 command executed successfully
1 error in executing the command
Server Instance page
asadmin-delete-instance(1AS), asadmin-start-instance(1AS), asadmin-create-instance(1AS), asadmin-restart-instance(1AS), asadmin-start-
appserv(1AS), asadmin-stop-appserv(1AS), asadmin-start-domain(1AS), asadmin-stop-domain(1AS)J2EE 1.4 SDK March 2004 asadmin-stop-instance(1AS)