I tried [-1] and it worked .. Because its the only point available and needed.
Thanks a lot era ..
I dont know much about perl as am very new to this ..and my time is very limited that I cant do a leran and implement principle but implement and learn ..
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learn(1) General Commands Manual learn(1)
learn - Provides computer-aided instruction for the C shell
learn [-directory] [subject] [lesson]
The learn command provides computer-aided instruction courses and practice in the use of Tru64 UNIX.
Allows you to exercise a script in a nonstandard place.
To get started, enter learn; if this is the first time that you are invoking the learn command, you are guided through a series of ques-
tions to determine what type of instruction you want to receive.
If you have used learn before and left your last session without completing a subject, the program uses information in $HOME/.learnrc to
start you up in the same place you left off.
To bypass questions, enter a subject or lesson. In order to enter a lesson, you must know the lesson number that you received in a previ-
ous learn command session. If you do not know the lesson number, enter the lesson number as a subject. The learn command searches for the
first lesson containing the subject you specified. If the lesson is a - (dash), learn prompts for each lesson; this is useful for debug-
You can specify the following subjects:
files editor vi morefiles macros eqn C
There are a few special commands. The bye command terminates a learn session, and the where command tells you of your progress (where m
tells you more.) The again command redisplays the text of the lesson and again lesson lets you review lesson. The hint command prints the
last part of the lesson script used to evaluate a response, while hint m prints the entire lesson script. This is useful for debugging
lessons and might possibly give you an idea about what is expected.
To take the online lesson about files, enter: learn files
You are then prompted for further input.
Playpen directories. Start-up information.
Commands: csh(1), ex(1)