change wc -l
I would like realize a script that it can change " wc -l" with "wc -l | sed 's/ //g'", but my problem is that i can have
a pipe ,a variable ( many variable different) or a file after wc -l ?how i could test this several case ?
wc -l | cut -d' ' -f1`
if [ `wc -l <$FILE` -ne 1 ]
wc -l ${F} | awk '{print $1 }'
Thank you for your help.
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CHSH(1) User Commands CHSH(1)
chsh - change login shell
chsh [options] [LOGIN]
The chsh command changes the user login shell. This determines the name of the user's initial login command. A normal user may only change
the login shell for her own account; the superuser may change the login shell for any account.
The options which apply to the chsh command are:
-h, --help
Display help message and exit.
-R, --root CHROOT_DIR
Apply changes in the CHROOT_DIR directory and use the configuration files from the CHROOT_DIR directory.
-s, --shell SHELL
The name of the user's new login shell. Setting this field to blank causes the system to select the default login shell.
If the -s option is not selected, chsh operates in an interactive fashion, prompting the user with the current login shell. Enter the new
value to change the shell, or leave the line blank to use the current one. The current shell is displayed between a pair of [ ] marks.
The only restriction placed on the login shell is that the command name must be listed in /etc/shells, unless the invoker is the superuser,
and then any value may be added. An account with a restricted login shell may not change her login shell. For this reason, placing /bin/rsh
in /etc/shells is discouraged since accidentally changing to a restricted shell would prevent the user from ever changing her login shell
back to its original value.
User account information.
List of valid login shells.
Shadow password suite configuration.
chfn(1), login.defs(5), passwd(5).
shadow-utils 4.5 01/25/2018 CHSH(1)