Calculating field using AWK, or GAWK script
Hello all,
I'm totally new to UNIX/Linux but I'm taking a course in it at my local JC.
My question: I have been tasked with writing a gawk script that will create a nicely formatted report. That part I've done ok on...however, the very last thing that must be done is a calculation of a particular field of data. Here is my script:
BEGIN { printf("%s%12s%10s%10s\n", "Date", "Low", "High", "Rain")
printf("=====================================\n") }
{ printf("8s%8s%10s%10s\n", $2, $4, $7, $11) }
END { printf"=====================================\n")
printf("Total Rain = %d\n", NR) }
I need the last line of code to calculate field $11 which should come out to 2.5 inches of rain based on my data file. I know right now that the last line of code is only calculating the number of records.
Any ideas?
Thanks in advance!
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Apple 20/08/2011 5
Apple 27/08/2011 7
Apple 05/09/2011 11
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DPKG-AWK(1) General Commands Manual DPKG-AWK(1)
dpkg-awk - Utility to read a dpkg style db file
dpkg-awk [(-f|--file) filename] [(-d|--debug) ##] [(-s|--sort) list] [(-rs|--rec_sep) ??] '<fieldname>:<regex>' ... -- <out_fieldname> ..
dpkg-awk Parses a dpkg status file (or other similarly formatted file) and outputs the resulting records. It can use regex on the field
values to limit the returned records, it can also be told which fields to output, and it can sort the matched fields.
-f filename
--file filename
The file to parse. The default is /var/lib/dpkg/status.
-d [#]
--debug [#]
Each time this is specified, it increased the debug level.
-s field(s)
--sort field(s)
A space or comma separated list of fields to sort on.
-n field(s)
--numeric field(s)
A space or comma separated list of fields that should be interpreted as numeric in value.
-rs ??
--rec_sep ??
Output this string at the end of each output paragraph.
--help Display some help.
The fields from the file, that are matched with the regex given. The fieldnames are case insensitive.
The fields from the file, that are output for each record. If the first field listed begins with ^, then the list of fields that
follows will NOT be output.
Be warned that the author has only a shallow understanding of the dpkg packaging system, so there are probably tons of bugs in this pro-
This program comes with no warranties. If running this program causes fire and brimstone to rain down upon the earth, you will be on your
This program accesses the dpkg database directly in places, querying for data that cannot be gotten via dpkg.
Adam Heath <doogie@debian.org>
Debian Utilities DPKG-AWK(1)