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dpkg-awk(1) [debian man page]

DPKG-AWK(1)						      General Commands Manual						       DPKG-AWK(1)

dpkg-awk - Utility to read a dpkg style db file SYNOPSIS
dpkg-awk [(-f|--file) filename] [(-d|--debug) ##] [(-s|--sort) list] [(-rs|--rec_sep) ??] '<fieldname>:<regex>' ... -- <out_fieldname> .. DESCRIPTION
dpkg-awk Parses a dpkg status file (or other similarly formatted file) and outputs the resulting records. It can use regex on the field values to limit the returned records, it can also be told which fields to output, and it can sort the matched fields. OPTIONS
-f filename --file filename The file to parse. The default is /var/lib/dpkg/status. -d [#] --debug [#] Each time this is specified, it increased the debug level. -s field(s) --sort field(s) A space or comma separated list of fields to sort on. -n field(s) --numeric field(s) A space or comma separated list of fields that should be interpreted as numeric in value. -rs ?? --rec_sep ?? Output this string at the end of each output paragraph. -h --help Display some help. fieldname The fields from the file, that are matched with the regex given. The fieldnames are case insensitive. out_fieldname The fields from the file, that are output for each record. If the first field listed begins with ^, then the list of fields that follows will NOT be output. BUGS
Be warned that the author has only a shallow understanding of the dpkg packaging system, so there are probably tons of bugs in this pro- gram. This program comes with no warranties. If running this program causes fire and brimstone to rain down upon the earth, you will be on your own. This program accesses the dpkg database directly in places, querying for data that cannot be gotten via dpkg. AUTHOR
Adam Heath <> DEBIAN
Debian Utilities DPKG-AWK(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

DPKG-GENBUILDDEPS(1)					      General Commands Manual					      DPKG-GENBUILDDEPS(1)

dpkg-genbuilddeps - generate a list of packages used to build this package SYNOPSIS
dpkg-genbuilddeps [arg ...] DESCRIPTION
This program is a wrapper around dpkg-depcheck(1). It should be run from the top of a Debian build tree. It calls dpkg-buildpackage with any arguments given on the command line, and by tracing the execution of this, it determines which non-essential packages were used during the package building. This can be useful in determining what the Build-Depends control fields should contain. It does not determine which packages were used for the arch independent parts of the build and which for the arch dependent parts, not does it attempt to determine which versions of packages are required. It should be able to run under fakeroot rather than being run as root, as fakeroot dpkg-genbuild- deps, or dpkg-genbuilddeps -rfakeroot. This program requires the build-essential package to be installed. If it is not, please use dpkg-depcheck directly, with a command such as dpkg-depcheck --all dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot ... All this program itself does is essentially to run the command: dpkg-depcheck -b dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc -b -rfakeroot [arg ...] SEE ALSO
The Debian Policy Manual, sections on Build-Depends etc., dpkg-depcheck(1) and fakeroot(1). AUTHOR
The original dpkg-genbuilddeps was written by Ben Collins <>. The current version is a simple wrapper around dpkg- depcheck written by Bill Allombert <>. This manual page was written by Julian Gilbey <>. DEBIAN
Debian Utilities DPKG-GENBUILDDEPS(1)
Man Page

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