I am looking for powershell guys.
I have lot of office365 users ,and i need add/remove calendar items from powershell.
my users have multiple calendars.
how can i select calendar ,and how can i add / remove item to selected calendar.
em1,em2,fsz1,fsz2 user created calendars.
thank you
Last edited by Don Cragun; 03-09-2017 at 05:06 AM..
Reason: Add CODE and ICODE tags.
Requirement is to list the files older than 365 days from multiple directories and delete them and log the list of files which are deleted to a log file.
so 1 script should only list files older than 365 days for each directory separately to a folder
The other script should read these files... (7 Replies)
I am very not knowledgeable with regards to Windows, and even more so with PowerShell, but I'm hoping someone can help me with what should be a fairly simple script.
Remove all local accounts matching a given regular expression
It seems like I'd need the following combined... Somehow...
... (0 Replies)
Hi guys!
Im trying to setup my box so it can send its emails through Office 365 SMTP. I spent 8 hours yesterday trying to configure sendmail to do this, but I gave up.
Now Im trying to do it with SSMTP and I followed this guide to configure it How to install and configure sSMTP on CentOS /... (0 Replies)
Need some help getting this script to work. can someone help. I am trying to create a script that moves log files to another location and only keeps 60 days worth. please see script I started but having issue getting to work..
GET-CHILDITEM C:\test\*.LOG | Where {... (9 Replies)
Not sure if this is the best place to post, but at this point my question seems to be an advanced topic.
I'm curious why it is that the "office phone" column of finger does not seem to report anything even when data is entered in the GECOS field of /etc/passwd. I am using Ubuntu 8.10, kernel... (1 Reply)