Help with PowerShell

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Old 08-29-2013
Help with PowerShell

I am very not knowledgeable with regards to Windows, and even more so with PowerShell, but I'm hoping someone can help me with what should be a fairly simple script.

Remove all local accounts matching a given regular expression

It seems like I'd need the following combined... Somehow...

Get-OSCLocalAccount | select-string .\*.* -pattern "^Name[\ \t]*: xxx.*$"

Which would get the account name lines, and then somehow iterate through those to delete accounts.... If it helps, this is the awk string / loop I'd need to account the same:

<Generate Output like Get-OSCLocalAccount> | awk -F: '/^Name[\t\ ]*: xxx/ {print $2}' | while read user; do userdel -r $user; done

Just been fumbling about with PowerShell and not having as much luck as I'd like. I know that I can user the net user del syntax to delete a user in Windows, but how to kick that off with PowerShell, how to loop from the previous output, etc. is giving me headaches. Hoping for either a hand or possibly a pointer to where else I should look. Ideally I won't ever have to do anything with PowerShell again (This should be a very extreme one-off) so I'm really not looking for a deep understanding of the language, just a working script here that I can add to a client's maint. schedule and be done with it.

Thanks for any/all help, it's much appreciated.

Last edited by Vryali; 08-29-2013 at 05:39 PM.. Reason: Typo
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